the pro-administration journals

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-10-18 12:10:38

gable, gives the outline. The next business was that of " repelling winter blasts with mud and straw." It is remarkable how  NFL Jerseys Authentic , NFL Jerseys Youth  habitable these primitive tenements were rendered by the ready ingenuity of the boys. Some might infer that with from three to five inmates, these habitations would have been noxiously close; this tendency was obviated by the merciful absence of architectural facilities. That they were not unhealthy abodes, or that the sanitary surroundings must have been exceedingly favorable, may be deduced from the fact that during the three months a NFL Jerseys Cheap , NFL Jerseys Sale  nd a half spent there by those five companies, the sick list was very small, and that in the time, death never visited the camp. This division of the regiment created a new source of pastime ; the relation of the two halves was too intimate for noncommunication. Letters were interchanged daily, and where written conference was considered inadequate, personal visits were the next resort. On several occasions, during the winter, the regiment was visited by residents of Oneida. They were always heartily welcomed. One or two were the bearers of "sanitary" f  NFL Jerseys Wholesale , P90X , P90X DVD  avors. There were times when soldier life seemed intolerably heavy and dull. No wonder the boys sometimes felt despondent as they soliloquized: " Our work is digging, we could have done that at home." "We came to fight and end the war by extinguishing the rebellion." "We are now nearly a half year in the service and yet at the Capital instead of at the front." "Burnside, with our great army, has just been repulsed with heavy loss." "In the west, affairs are not progressing much better.  P90X Workout , P90X Workout Schedule  " "If our cause is not stationary, it is progressing very slowly." It should not be understood that the regiment was discouraged, but, if citizens, seated at home in comfort and security, were sometimes depressed, perhaps at the bare prospect of increased taxation, there is some apology for the temporay indulgence of this mood by those who had imperiled comfort, health, and even life itself. Without making a question of the relative p Turbo Fire , Slendertone System Abs olitical propriety of the adverse attitudes of the two parties at that time, I may perhaps be permitted to allude to the obvious preserving influence exerted on the army, by the hopeful tone which characterized the pro-administration journals. The good effect of these papers was marked, when they came into camp, as the medium of the President's










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  • 访问量: 503
  • 日志数: 12
  • 建立时间: 2010-10-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-10-18


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