iCE 3500 石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪应用于自然水体中的硒的测定


The determination of selenium in drinking and natural waters is analytically challenging, as the concentration levels required are near the detection limits of common elemental analysis instruments. In addition, selenium exists naturally in a variety of chemical forms, including both organic and inorganic compounds, and different oxidation states. These can result in a variety of chemical and physical interferences in the analysis. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) is a cost-effective technology that does have the sensitivity and relative freedom from interference effects necessary to perform these measurements.


  iCE3500 石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪


The Thermo Scientific AA Spectrometer fitted with a Zeeman Graphite Furnace and Graphite Furnace autosampler is entirely suitable for the determination of selenium concentrations in natural water samples using the EPA 200.9 methodology. The Method Development Tools provided, particularly the Graphite Furnace TeleVision accessory and the automatic Ash Atomize experiment, allow the instrument parameters to be quickly and reliably optimised.

The analytical performance of the system meets the performance criteria set out in the Method, and the comprehensive QC Tests facilities provided in the SOLAAR software permit the detailed Quality Control requirements of the Method to be quickly and simply set up. The flexible Calibration functions, together with Furnace Autosampler facilities, allow the Method of Standard Additions calibration strategy to be easily implemented if necessary.