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安捷伦科技最近推出Agilent 6230 TOF LC-MS

发布: 2009-01-01 06:16:15来源: 安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司


安捷伦科技最近推出Agilent 6230精确质量飞行时间液相色谱/质谱(LC/MS)系统。这台新仪器能检测并鉴定低至2 pg的化合物,让它成为食品安全、毒理学和其他痕量化合物测定的有力工具。除了无以伦比的灵敏度和质量准确性之外,安捷伦还编制了一个农药的精确质量综合数据库,让用户能快速鉴定食品和环境样品中的农药,同时具有很高的可信度。

安捷伦科技最近推出Agilent 6230精确质量飞行时间液相色谱/质谱(LC/MS)系统。这台新仪器能检测并鉴定低至2 pg的化合物,让它成为食品安全、毒理学和其他痕量化合物测定的有力工具。


Agilent 6230精确质量TOF LC/MS具有低于1 ppm的质量精确度,与更昂贵的FTMS相当或更好。安捷伦特有的喷气流热梯度聚焦技术让柱上的灵敏度较以前的仪器提高了5倍以上。这种专利设计利用过热的氮气作为鞘气,因此更多的离子和更少的溶剂液滴进入质谱分析仪。与传统的设计相比,信号更强而噪音更低,灵敏度更高。

安捷伦的产品经理Ken Imatani表示:“食品安全科学家对TOF技术来筛选食品表示出了强烈的兴趣,但是需要更高的灵敏度来检测10 ppb或更低的分析物。我们改进了检测水平,现在能达到1 ppb,甚至能达到0.1 ppb的浓度水平,这可是TOF检测技术的真正突破。它与新的精确质量农药综合数据库结合,能让客户更快更自信地鉴定出农药。”


科罗拉多大学环境质谱学中心的Michael Thurman博士认为:“利用飞行时间进行精确质量分析对环境分析来说非常有用,新的Agilent TOF 6230很可靠,并有着高的分辨率和准确性。灵敏度上的改进让这台仪器成为农药和药物分析的绝佳选择。”

Agilent 6230 精确质量TOF利用MassHunter Workstation软件来获取数据,并进行定性和定量的数据分析。其中包括独特的数据发掘功能,它基于强大的分子特征提取和分子量生成算法,让复杂混合物中的化合物鉴定更简单。




Agilent Technologies Inc.. (12/15/08). "Press Release: Agilent Technologies Introduces most Sensitive Time-of-Flight LC/MS ever. Agilent also Releases a 1600-pesticide Accurate Mass Database to Help Food Safety and Environmental Scientists Screen Pestici

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced the Agilent 6230 Accurate-Mass time-of-flight (TOF) liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer (LC/MS) system. This new instrument can detect and identify compounds in amounts smaller than two trillionths of a gram (2 picograms), making the Agilent 6230 a powerful tool for food safety, toxicology and other measurements where minute amounts of compounds must be identified.

Complementing this unrivaled sensitivity and mass accuracy, Agilent has also compiled an extensive pesticide accurate-mass database, enabling users to rapidly identify pesticides in food and environmental samples with a high degree of confidence.

"Food-safety scientists have always voiced strong interest in TOF technology for screening food samples, but needed more sensitivity to consistently detect analytes at 10 parts per billion (ppb) or less concentration levels," said Ken Imatani, Agilent product manager. "We have improved our detection levels to see analytes now at 1 ppb and even some down to 0.1 ppb concentration levels, which marks a real breakthrough for TOF detection technology. This, and our new, comprehensive accurate mass pesticide database, lets customers identify pesticides very quickly and with great confidence."

The new Agilent pesticide database contains accurate mass information for more than 1,600 compounds, including links to structural data found in PubChem, ChemSpider and other chemical databases. The database also accommodates the addition of LC retention times which, combined with accurate mass results, provides a significantly increased confidence in confirming compound identity.

"Accurate mass analysis using time-of-flight is extremely valuable for environmental analysis, and the new Agilent TOF 6230 is robust, with high resolution and accuracy," said Michael Thurman, Ph.D., Center for Environmental Mass Spectrometry, University of Colorado. "The latest improvements in sensitivity will make this instrument an excellent choice for pesticide and pharmaceutical analysis."

More Databases to Follow

The pesticide database is the first of several planned accurate mass databases to complement the performance of Agilent Accurate Mass TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS instruments. The company also plans to offer compound databases for toxicology and drugs of abuse.

The Agilent 6230 Accurate Mass TOF LC/MS delivers sub-1-ppm mass accuracy, which rivals or exceeds that of much more expensive FTMS and orbital trapping instruments. Mass resolution is also enhanced with up to 20,000 resolving power at fastest spectral acquisition rates and up to 20 mass spectra per second, accommodating the latest high-throughput rapid-resolution liquid chromatography platforms.

Agilent Jet Stream thermal-gradient-focusing technology delivers on-column sensitivity gains of five times or more compared with previous instruments. The proprietary design uses a sheath of super-heated nitrogen so that more ions and fewer solvent droplets enter the mass analyzer. The result is stronger signal and less noise than conventional designs for far greater sensitivity.

The Agilent 6230 Accurate Mass TOF uses Agilent MassHunter Workstation software with advanced data acquisition and qualitative and quantitative data-analysis capabilities. These include unique data mining functionality based on powerful molecular feature extraction and molecular formula generation algorithms, facilitating identification of compounds in complex mixtures.

About Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world's premier measurement company and a technology leader in communications, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis. The company's 20,000 employees serve customers in more than 110 countries. Agilent had net revenues of $5.8 billion in fiscal 2008. Information about Agilent is available on the Web at www.agilent.com.

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Stuart Matlow

+1 408 553 7191



安捷伦科技代谢组学专题安捷伦科技食品安全专题 安捷伦科技公司(NYSE: A)是全球领先的测量公司,是化学分析、生命科学和通信、电子领域的技术领导者。公司的 18,500 名员工在 100 多个国家为客户服务。在 2010 财政年度,安捷...


