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INFICON推出Micro GC Fusion,拓展快速便携的气相色谱应用

发布: 2013-03-18 09:27:52来源: 博赛德科技有限公司BCT

INFICON 推出 Micro GC Fusion


扩展快速便携式 GC 应用的范围

纽约锡拉丘兹 — 2013 年 3 月 18 日:新型的 INFICON Micro GC Fusion™ 是第一款温度可编程 Micro GC,能够利用毛细管柱快速实现温度变化。它利用精确现场分析所需的创新技术扩大了快速便携式气相色谱仪 (GC) 应用的范围。Micro GC Fusion 依托成熟的 Micro GC 技术并结合快速温度升降特性,现在能以极高的灵敏度和可重复性完成 C12+ 气相分析。

Micro GC Fusion 配备微机电系统 (MEMS) 热导检测仪 (TCD),检测限值可达 1 ppm,这意味着灵敏度比传统 TCD 高 10 倍。温度可编程 GC 柱的亮点是迟洗脱峰,可对峰分辨度进行高级控制,显著提高对重烃的灵敏度。

Micro GC Fusion 采用模块化 GC 设计。每个模块都包括一个注射器、一个温度可编程毛细管柱和一个检测仪。仪器可加装一或两个模块以满足大部分应用的需要。三模块和四模块版本将于今年晚些时候推出。用户可在现场方便地调换 GC 模块,只需几分钟即可快速适应新应用或开展仪器维护工作。这些模块也可方便地改装进行 OEM 集成。GC 模块中的 MEMS 注射器消除了台式 GC 通常需要的复杂阀门开关编程工作,仪器中集成的样品处理器允许用户在高达 1000 psi 的输入压力下精确地分析样品气流。

Micro GC Fusion 在基于浏览器的软件上运行,因此与操作系统无关,不需要许可。仪器配备触控前面板显示屏和无线网络协议,因此用户可选择从前面板运行分析,也可选择从外部的无线连接计算设备运行分析。界面可以动态地适应任何显示屏尺寸,允许用户方便地从平板计算机、笔记本计算机或台式计算机操作仪器。Micro GC Fusion 利用便于携带的紧凑型轻量级机箱提供高级功能,让您根据需要随时随地进行精确、及时的分析。Micro GC Fusion 是许多应用的理想选择,包括天然气和天然气延伸分析、炼油气分析和溶解气体分析 (DGA)。

如需更多信息,请与 INFICON Inc. 联系,地址:Two Technology Place, East Syracuse, NY 13057-9714,电话:+1.315.434.1100,电子邮件:reachus@inficon.com,网址:http://www.inficon.com。



INFICON 是一家创新仪器仪表、关键传感器技术和先进过程控制软件的领先供应商,致力于提高精密工业真空过程的生产效率和品质。这些分析、测量和控制产品对空调/制冷和汽车制造行业的气体泄漏检测至关重要。它们对许多领域的原始设备制造商和最终用户意义重大,包括光学、平板显示器、太阳能电池和工业真空涂层应用中的半导体和薄膜涂层复杂制造领域。基于真空的过程还面向许多其他用户,包括生命科学、科研、航空航天、包装、热处理、激光切割和许多其他工业过程。我们还充分利用自身的真空技术专长,为应急响应、安保和环境监测市场提供独特的有毒化工原料分析产品。INFICON 总部位于瑞士,在欧洲、美国和中国均建有世界级的制造设施,在中国、芬兰、法国、德国、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、列支敦士登、新加坡、瑞典、瑞士、中国台湾、英国和美国都开设了分支机构。INFICON 记名股票 (IFCN) 已在瑞士证券交易所上市。有关 INFICON 及其产品的更多信息,请访问 www.inficon.com。

INFICON Introduces Micro GC Fusion


Expands the Horizons of Fast, Transportable GC Applications

Syracuse, NY — March 18, 2013: The New INFICON Micro GC Fusion™ is the first temperature programmable Micro GC that offers fast temperature ramping using capillary columns. It expands the horizons of fast and transportable gas chromatograph (GC) applications with innovations needed for accurate onsite analysis. Building on proven Micro GC technology, coupled with rapid temperature ramping, Micro GC Fusion now covers C12+ gas phase analysis with excellent sensitivity and repeatability.

Micro GC Fusion is equipped with a Micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) that offers 1 ppm detection limit, which is 10 times more sensitive than a traditional TCD. The temperature programmable GC column focuses late eluting peaks, providing advanced control over peak resolution and significant sensitivity gain for heavier hydrocarbons.

Micro GC Fusion is based on a modular GC design. Each module is comprised of an injector, a temperature programmable capillary column and a detector. The instrument can be outfitted with one or two modules to meet most application needs. A three and four module version will be available later this year. The user can easily exchange a GC module onsite in minutes to quickly adapt to new applications or conduct instrument maintenance. The modules can also be easily adaptable for OEM integration. The MEMS injector in the GC module eliminates the complex valve-switching programming that is typical in a bench top GC, and the integrated sample conditioner in the instrument allows the user to accurately analyze sample gas stream at input pressures of up to 1000 psi.

Micro GC Fusion runs on browser-based software, so it is operating system independent and does not require a license. The instrument is equipped with a multi-touch front panel display and wireless network protocol, so the user can choose to run the analysis from the front panel or an external wirelessly connected computing device. The interface can dynamically adapt to any display dimension, allowing the user to easily operate the instrument from a tablet, laptop or desktop PC. Micro GC Fusion offers advanced features in a compact, lightweight chassis that is easily transportable, allowing for accurate and timely analysis where and when it is needed. The Micro GC Fusion is ideal for many applications, including Natural Gas and Extended Natural Gas analysis, Refinery Gas analysis and Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA).

For more information, contact INFICON Inc., Two Technology Place, East Syracuse, NY 13057-9714, +1.315.434.1100, email: reachus@inficon.com, http://www.inficon.com.



INFICON is a leading provider of innovative instrumentation, critical sensor technologies, and advanced process control software that enhance productivity and quality in sophisticated industrial vacuum processes. These analysis, measurement and control products are essential for gas leak detection in air conditioning/refrigeration and automotive manufacturing. They are vital to equipment manufacturers and end-users in the complex fabrication of semiconductors and thin film coatings for optics, flat panel displays, solar cells and industrial vacuum coating applications. Other users of our vacuum-based processes include the life sciences, research, aerospace, packaging, heat treatment, laser cutting and many other industrial processes. We also leverage our expertise in vacuum technology to provide unique, toxic chemical analysis products for emergency response, security, and environmental monitoring. INFICON is headquartered in Switzerland and has world-class manufacturing facilities in Europe, the United States and China, as well as subsidiaries in China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States. INFICON registered shares (IFCN) are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. For more information about INFICON and its products, please visit www.inficon.com.




