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tel: 400-6699-117 6216

堀场HORIBA分子荧光光谱/荧光分光光度计, 市场zei高的有保障的灵敏度,水的拉曼RMS信噪比(SNR)是30000:1......

【技术特点】-- Fluorolog-QM系列超灵敏模块化荧光光谱仪

新的PTI QuantaMaster 8000系列提供了市场zei高的有保障的灵敏度,水的拉曼RMS信噪比(SNR)是30000:1,仅有HORIBA自有的 Fluorolog-3荧光光谱仪能够超越它。

  PTI QuantaMaster 8000是一个模块化的研究用荧光光谱仪,用于稳态和寿命测量。它可容纳多达4个激发光源和6个检测通道,三倍光栅台来扩展波长范围,可以使用单或双单色仪来更好地抑制杂散光。可以添加TCSPC来增加灵活性和适应性,提供zei快的速度,zei短的寿命,提供可调的从260nm到2000 nm的UV/Vis/NIR超连续激光。PTI QuantaMaster 8000系列可提供覆盖到5500nm的光谱和磷光寿命检测。

  PTI QuantaMaster 8000是全自动的。FelixGX软件控制所有的硬件功能,并为光谱和动力学测量提供了一套完整的数据采集协议。使用单次瞬态数字转换器(SSTD)或门控检测(VCI)可以进行的扫描包括:激发和发射光谱扫描、时间扫描、光谱和时间偏振扫描、同时多染料测量、同步激发/发射扫描、TCSPC寿命和磷光衰减以及时间分辨激发和发射光谱。

  “PTI QuantaMaster 8000系列代表了下一代的稳态和寿命光谱仪,是HORIBA收购PTI之后第一款新的荧光光谱仪,” HORIBA科学荧光分部全球产品线经理Cary Davies说。“研究人员现在可以有一个从UV到NIR (280 to 5500 nm)的高度灵活的、具有极高灵敏度和许多独特好处的荧光光谱仪。”

Two years after the acquisition of PTI, HORIBA is proud to introduce the new PTI QuantaMaster™ 8000 series of fluorometers. The new PTI QuantaMaster 8000 series modular research fluorometers from HORIBA Scientific offer the world’s highest guaranteed sensitivity specification, plus many unique benefits. Only the HORIBA Fluorolog 3, also from HORIBA Scientific, matches the sensitivity of the new QuantaMaster 8000 series.”

  • Highest guaranteed sensitivity specification at 30,000:1 Water Raman RMS

  • World class software for all steady state and lifetimes needs

  • Extended wavelength range with triple grating monochromators

  • Ultimate flexibility with up to four light sources and six detectors that can be selected

  • Fully automated system

  • Best in class stray light rejection with large single or double additive, coma corrected, monochromators

  • World class TCSPC lifetime enhancements

  • NIR steady state and phosphorescence lifetime detection to 5,500 nm


Lifetime Measurements TCSPC

The QuantaMaster series can be easily enhanced with TCSPC fluorescence lifetime capabilities. Utilizing world class TCSPC sources, electronics and detectors developed by our IBH group, the QuantaMaster provides the ultimate in speed, versatility and performance. The standard QuantaMaster PMT can be used for these additional TCSPC measurements, or you can add a dedicated TCSPC detector with enhanced performance or extended NIR detection. All steady state and time-resolved control, acquisition and analysis are handled by FeliXGX software.


  • 40 years of experience in TCSPC innovation

  • Industry-leading true 100 MHz system operation allows for millisecond acquisition times

  • TCSPC lifetime measurements from under 25 ps

  • Full control over TCSPC and steady state acquisitions with single Felix GX software package

  • Measure TCSPC lifetimes, time-resolved anisotropy and TRES

  • Select from our catalog of over 60 state-of-the-art compact pulsed LEDs and Laser Diodes for
    virtually any application

  • For unsurpassed versatility choose a picosecond Supercontinuum Laser with HORIBA’s proprietary
    Frequency Doubler – a powerful tool for Time-Resolved protein studies

  • PowerFit-10 decay analysis package with multiple fitting models including a unique Maximum
    Entropy Method (MEM) lifetime distribution program

  • Lifetime Measurements TCSPC

Two Systems Can be Better Than One!

We also offer very affordable stand-alone TCSPC systems. You can increase your labs throughput by having a dedicated steady state fluorometer and a dedicated TCSPC system operating at the same time, for almost the same price as adding TCSPC to the QuantaMaster.

Near-Infrared Spectrofluorometry

Near-infrared (NIR) spectrofluorometry has emerged as a valuable analytical technique, especially in the fields of material research, nanotechnology, chemistry, and photomedicine. Powerful and diverse NIR capabilities are available through PTI as either a stand-alone research grade fluorometer, or as an upgrade to PTI’s UV-VIS steady state spectrofluorometers. There are different configurations to adapt to any research needs.

  • Near-Infrared Spectrofluorometry

NIR-PMT Based Steady State Systems

Comprised of a high intensity continuous xenon light source, scanning monochromators, and a cooled NIR PMT detector. Available with four NIR PMTs for maximum spectral range coverage:

  • 300 nm–1,400 nm, LN-cooled

  • 950 nm–1,400 nm, TE-cooled

  • 300 nm–1,700 nm, LN-cooled

  • 950 nm–1,700 nm, TE-cooled

Solid-State Photodiode Based NIR Steady State Systems

Comprised of a high intensity continuous xenon light source, scanning monochromators, lock-in amplifier and chopper for noise suppression. There are a variety of photo diodes available, TE-cooled or LN-cooled up to 2400 nm:

  • InGaAs: 500 nm–1,700 nm (up to 2400 nm detector available upon request)

  • PbS: 1,000 nm–3,200 nm

  • InSb: 1,500 nm–5,500 nm

Additions for NIR Lifetime Measurements to 5,500 nm!

All of the detectors listed above can be used in a single shot transient digitizer (SSTD) mode for luminescence lifetime measurement capability in NIR to measure lifetimes from 1 μs to hundreds of ms. SSTD is extremely fast and offers outstanding signal to noise, add:

  • Variable high rep rate pulsed xenon lamp option for
    phosphorescence lifetime (NIR-TR-10)

  • Pulsed nitrogen and dye laser (NIR-TR-20)

  • 3rd party pulsed Q-switched lasers

  • TCSPC lifetime add-on with supercontinuum laser,
    laser diodes and LEDs (for NIR-PMT based systems)

Unique NIR Solutions

A PTI QuantaMaster can be equipped with multiple illuminators and detectors to cover the widest spectral
range for both steady state spectra and for fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes. Consider the
following configuration:

  • Double emission monochromator with R928 PMT, InGaAs &, InSb detectors cover 250 to 5,500 nm

  • Continuous xenon lamp for steady state spectra

  • 20 Hz Q-switched/OPO Opolette laser for tunable excitation from 210 to 2,200 nm

  • Or frequency doubled nitrogen pumped dye laser for tunable excitation from 250 to 990 nm

  • Steady state spectra from 250 to 5,500 nm

  • Single Shot Transient Digitizer (SSTD) phosphorescence decays over entire range from 250 to 5.500 nm

  • PTI QuantaMaster

Modularity To Grow

The PTI QuantaMaster series features an open architecture design that provides the ultimate in versatility, allowing your instrument to adapt to your future fluorescence application needs. You can optimize the initial configuration by choosing the light source, gratings, and PMT tubes, as well as a wide array of available accessories. The number of available configurations is virtually limitless!

The PTI QuantaMaster universal QuadraCentric™ sample compartment has a spacious design that provides accessibility and can accommodate a wide selection of sample accessories. Choose from sample temperature controllers to various holders for solids, liquids and powders, and many other options. See the Accessories page for more details.

  • PTI QuantaMaster series features

The open architecture design also allows for application and methodology changes. As your application needs grow, so can your PTI QuantaMaster. For example, if you develop a need to measure dynamic anisotropy, you can add a second emission channel and a set of polarizers. If you want to complement your steady state data with lifetime measurements, you can do so by adding a laser or LED-based excitation to your initial configuration. If you are interested in intracellular Ca2+ after completing initial Fura-2 studies, you may decide you would like to start imaging the events. The system can be easily coupled with any fluorescence microscope. Whether you choose to add NIR detection or a second excitation source, the possible configurations are endless.

  • PTI QuantaMaster

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- Fluorolog-QM系列超灵敏模块化荧光光谱仪

【典型应用举例】-- Fluorolog-QM系列超灵敏模块化荧光光谱仪



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