






SCIEX推出新C100HT生物制品分析系统, 用于高通量糖基筛选


  分析测试百科网讯 SCIEX 是生命科学分析技术领域的全球领导者, 2018年1月30日在马萨诸塞州弗雷明汉宣布推出新C100HT,用于生物制药领域的定量糖基筛选。结合使用SCIEX的获奖技术快速糖基化学(fast glycan chemistry,快速糖分析的样品前处理技术), C100HT 使研究人员可以应对耗时的样本准备和数据分析的挑战, 使用强大的工作流,进行每天数以百计的糖基样本筛选,获得可视化的可操作性数据,而不需要耗时的解释。


  SCIEX C100HT 高通量糖基筛选技术以先进的毛细管电泳硬件及用户友好的软件为基础, 一个糖分析试剂盒配置为多达1,000次的分离, 12通道的毛细管试剂盒可并行处理样品。糖基鉴定的结果可显示在直观的数据分析面板上, 一目了然地显示通过/失败的结果, 可对克隆筛选和细胞培养条件的优化进行实时决策。 C100HT 置于一个高度可调的移动小推车上, 使研究者可根据自己的实验设施进行灵活的调节,便于在决策时定位分析。

  使用C100HT 样品制备化学技术,可在不到2小时内制备96个样品, 可从大量样本中快速筛选克隆,并实时进行细胞培养条件的优化, 从而显著增加筛选出最佳克隆和最佳培养条件的可能性。使用自动糖基鉴定技术,无需花费繁琐的糖基数据库搜索时间, 最大限度地减少了人为错误和优化工作流的可能性。

  "由于使用除滴度分析以外的其它信息,提升了克隆筛选和细胞培养条件优化的能力, 可进行更大规模的筛选, 提供更好的信息来选择和开发有影响力的生物制剂。SCIEX高级产品经理Mark Lies说,"在克隆筛选和细胞培养条件优化过程中,糖基筛选是一个重要部分, 但过去它的限制是:有多少克隆能够被筛选, 更不用说接下来的数据质量。C100HT是针对这一挑战的解决方案, 包括简化的样本准备、直面挑战的仪器设计,和有意义的可视化数据分析, 使研究人员能够在任何情况下提高其工作流通量,给出可帮助快速决策的答案。”

  SCIEX 的快速糖标签和分析技术荣获2016生物工艺国际 (BPI) "最佳技术应用奖-分析类", 以展示其与其它分析技术产生的新组合的强大功能。


  SCIEX 帮助科学家和实验室分析人员寻找解决方案来战胜他们面临的复杂分析挑战,从而改善我们生存的世界。凭借在毛细管电泳色谱和液相色谱串联质谱行业的知名地位和一流的服务与支持,公司成为全球数以万计的科学家和实验室分析人员值得信赖的合作伙伴,这些人员主要从事基础研究、药物发现和开发、食品和环境检测、法医学及临床研究工作。

  SCIEX 拥有 40 多年的创新历史,擅长通过倾听客户心声和理解客户不断变化的需求,开发可靠、灵敏且直观的解决方案,不断重新定义常规和复杂分析可以实现的成果。有关详细信息,请访问 www.sciex.com.


SCIEX Launches New C100 Biologics Analyzer for High Throughput Glycan Screening


SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, today announced the launch of the new C100HT for qualitative glycan screening in biopharma. Combined with SCIEX’s award-winning fast glycan chemistry, the C100HT enables researchers challenged by time-consuming sample preparation and data analysis the ability to expand their workflow by hundreds of glycan samples per day obtaining visual actionable data without the need for time consuming interpretation.

SCIEX C100HT high throughput glycan screening technology is based on advanced capillary electrophoresis hardware armed with user-friendly software, an assay kit configured for up to 1000 separations, and a 12 capillary reagent cartridge for parallel processing of samples. Glycan acceptance criteria can be put in the intuitive analysis dashboard enabling a pass/fail result to be viewed at a glance and decisions on clone selection and cell line optimization to be made in real-time. The C100HT comes complete with a mobile lab bench allowing researchers full flexibility within their own facilities to locate the analytics at the point of decision making.

The C100HT sample preparation chemistry allows preparation of 96 samples in less than 2 hours enabling clones to be selected from large sample populations quickly and cell culture optimization to be performed in real time to significantly increase the likelihood of selecting the best clones and manufacturing conditions. Automated glycan identification eliminates the need for tedious glycan database searches, thus minimizing the potential for human error and optimizing the workflow.

“Being able to select clones and cell culture conditions using information other than titer allows for an enhanced capability where larger populations can be screened, providing better information with which to choose and develop impactful biologics,” said Mark Lies, Senior Product Manager at SCIEX. “Glycan screening is an important part of the process, but it has been limited by how many clones can be screened, not to mention the ensuing data. The C100HT represents a solution to this challenge and includes simplified sample preparation, an instrument of straight forward design, and meaningful visual data analysis, enabling researchers to improve their workflow throughput wherever their samples are generated, leading to fast answers for fast decision making.”

SCIEX’s Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis technology was awarded the 2016 BioProcess International (BPI) “Award for Best Technology Application – Analytical” for demonstrating increased functionality in novel combinations with other analytical technologies.

Learn more about the new C100HT.


SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to find answers to the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.

With over 40 years of proven innovation, SCIEX excels by listening to and understanding the ever-evolving needs of its customers to develop reliable, sensitive and intuitive solutions that continue to redefine what is achievable in routine and complex analysis. For more information, please visit sciex.com.
