






AB SCIEX欢迎蛋白质组学者们参加第10届HUPO会议的技术交流会


      第10届HUPO会议将在2011年9月4-7日于瑞士日内瓦举行,届时,AB SCIEX公司将举办技术讲座交流会。欢迎来自中国和全球各地的科学工作者们注册:Register for our workshops

September 4, 2011  - September 7, 2011 9:00 am  - 6:00 pm Come visit us at our booth #1020 to discover the latest news on AB SCIEX mass spectrometry technology, including a new product launch, and find out how you can push the limits of your research beyond your current capabilities.
请访问我们的展台#1020,了解AB SCIEX最新质谱技术,包括新品发布,并发现怎样拓展您的研究极限,超出您的期望。
  • Exhibition opening days and times: From September 4, 16:30 to September 7, 17:00
  • Find AB SCIEX Stand - Click here
September 5, 2011  - September 5, 2011 1:15 pm  - 2:45 pm AB SCIEX HPP Workshop: "Furthering the Human Proteome Project ('HPP)"1:15 - 2:45 pm - Room L
AB SCIEX HPP技术交流主题:进一步推动人类蛋白质组学计划
  • "An Introduction to the HPP and its Analytical Challenges" , Pierre Legrain,  HUPO   HPP的简介和分析的挑战
  • "The HPP/Chromosome 19 Initiative",  Juan Pablo Albar,  Centro Nacional de BiotecnologÌa/CSIC    HPP/染色体组19倡议
  • "Tackle the Disease Membrane Proteome in Human Proteome Project", Yu-Ju Chen, Ph.D, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica   解决疾病膜蛋白质组的人类蛋白质组计划
September 5, 2011  - September 5, 2011 5:00 pm  - 6:30 pm AB SCIEX Peptide Quantitation Workshop: "New Technologies and Workflows in Peptide Quantitation"5:00 - 6:30 PM- Room F
AB SCIEX多肽定量技术交流主题:多肽定量的新技术和工作流程
  • "Development Challenges and Future Considerations for QTRAP Technology",  Jim Hager,  AB SCIEX   QTRAP技术的研发挑战和未来的考虑
  • "A Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Assay for Detecting Tumor Specific Mutant Proteins", Keith Ashman, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre  用质谱定量方法来检测肿瘤相关的特异蛋白质含量
  • "Further Enhancing Peptide Quantitation Using Ultra Low flow CESI", Jeff Chapman, Beckman 用CESI技术进一步提升多肽定量水平
  • "cHiPLC Workflows for MRM Quantitation in Proteomics", Lorne Taylor Samuel, Lunenfeld Research Institute   用cHiPLC工作流程来进行蛋白质组MRM定量
September 6, 2011  - September 6, 2011 7:30 am  - 8:30 am AB SCIEX Quantitative Proteomics Workshop: "MS/MSALL with SWATH Acquisition, a New Paradigm in Quantitative Proteomics"7:30 - 8:30 AM -  Room F
AB SCIEX定量蛋白质组学技术交流主题:MS/MSALL 结合SWATH,定量蛋白质组领域的新范例
  • "Accelerating Biomarker and Proteomics Research with the TripleTOF 5600 System", Christie Hunter, AB SCIEX     用TripleTOF 5600系统加速生物标志物发现和蛋白质组学研究
  • "SWATH Acquisition and its Application to Quantitative Proteomics", Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zurich     SWATH采集方法和其在定量蛋白质组学中的应用
September 7, 2011  - September 7, 2011 1:15 pm  - 2:00 pm AB SCIEX at IAB Workshop13:15 - 15:00 PM - Room F