2011年5月16日,“广州国际分析测试及实验室设备展览会暨技术研讨会(CHINA LAB 2011)”在广州锦汉展览中心隆重开幕。芬兰百得(Biohit)中国区执行总裁Eirik.Pettersen亲临展会现场,为百得(Biohit)全球首发的全自动移液工作站 Roboline 进行了简短的揭幕仪式。各大媒体对本次的新品首推给予了充分的肯定和关注,在此感谢大力支持。  

  Roboline launch ceremony in China

  China Lab 2011

  16th May, 2011

  In China Lab 2011, Biohit China launched Roboline. China Lab 2011 is one of the biggest exhibitions of laboratory equipment, reagent, and consumable in China. Roboline launched in China on 16th May, 2011. Some medias witnessed that moment and reported it. They interviewed Eirik and discussed about Roboline and Biohit’s development. Many professional customers were interesting in Roboline and watched the demo show.