使用烤炉烘干法对含水 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 使用烤炉烘干法对含水 相关的标准,共 10

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of total moisture content of solid recovered fuels by drying a sample

Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the oven dry method - Determination of total moisture by a reference method

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of moisture in an analysis sample by drying the sample in an oven. This method

Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the oven dry method - Moisture in general analysis sample

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of total moisture content of solid recovered fuels by drying a sample

Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the oven dry method - Determination of total moisture by a simplified method

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of total moisture content of solid recovered fuels by drying a sample

Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the oven dry method - Determination of total moisture by a reference method

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of total moisture content of solid recovered fuels (SRF) by drying a sample

Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the oven dry method - Determination of total moisture content by a simplified method

This part of ISO 11093 specifies an oven method for determining the moisture content of wound paper and board cores at the time the sample is taken

Paper and board - Testing of cores - Determination of moisture content using the oven drying method

Paper and board. Testing of cores. Determination of moisture content using the oven drying method

Energy Saving Monitoring Method for Drying Kiln and Baking Furnace

本标准规定了干燥窑与烘烤炉节能监测项目、监测方法和考核指标。 本标准适用于各种燃煤、燃气的干燥窑与烘烤炉

Monitoring and testing for energy saving of drying kiln and hot oven

Schválení ST SEV 1689-79 doporu?ilo Ministerstvo pr?myslu CSR. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: V?vojov? a racionaliza?ní ústav pr?myslu

Paper and board testing methods —Moisture coutent (Oven drying)

本标准规定了交流电压250V以下,额定频率为50HZ,额定功率2000W以下的家用食品烘烤器具性能技术要求及试验方法等。 本标准适用于家庭厨房及类似的宾馆、咖啡间、茶室及餐厅的厨房等一般室内环境使用的器具。在其周围空气中应无易燃性、腐蚀性气体或导电尘埃存在

Household food roaster Electric oven Bread slice roasters Waffle bakers Sandwich roasting ovens

Covers the construction and performance of commercial gas baking and roasting ovens for use with natural gas or propane with inputs up

Commercial Gas Baking and Roasting Ovens

Paper and board; determination of moisture content; oven-drying method

This commercial item description (CID) covers single-compartment and twocompartment, baking and roasting, electric, forced convection ovens


本标准规定了烘烤机械层式电烤炉的术语和定义、产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于食品加工中烘烤面包、糕点、饼干及其他食品坯料用的层式电烤炉(以下简称电烤炉

Bake machinery.Tier electricity oven

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