增塑剂 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 增塑剂 相关的标准,共 10

1 Ftalatul de diizooctil (DIOP) este esterul anhidridei ftalice cu alcool izooctilic ?i se folose?te ca plastifiant ?n industria de materiale plastice


Testing of plasticizers; determination of physical and chemical characteristics of plasticizers

本标准规定了饱和及不饱和脂肪酸锌皂的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输及贮存。 本标准适用于天然油脂、脂肪酸与氧化锌或无机锌盐反应制得的橡胶增塑剂

Rubber plasticizer A

Plasticizers. Specifications

本标准规定了砌筑砂浆中使用的增塑剂的定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则,以及产品的包装、运输、出厂及贮存。 本标准适用于砌筑砂浆用非石灰类增塑剂

Masonry mortar plasticizer


Plasticizer for plastering mortar

This British Standard specifies requirements for dibutyl phthalate for use as a plasticizer and for other purposes requiring material of similar

Specifications for plasticizer esters

This standard contains a series of physical and chemical characteristics of plasticizers

Testing of plasticizers; determination of physical and chemical characteristics of plasticizers

Testing of plasticizers; determination of physical and chemical characteristics of plasticizers

Plastics - Symbols - Plasticizers


Plasticizer epoxidized soybean oil

本标准规定了增塑剂碘值的测定方法。 本标准适用于增塑剂碘值的测定

Determination the iodine value of plasticizers

Przedmiotem normy s? metody badań w?asno?ci chemicznych, fizykochemicznych i elektrycznych plastyfikatorów stosowanych w przetwórstwie tworzyw

Plasticizers Methods of test

本文件规定了干混砂浆增塑剂的标记、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、使用说明书、包装、运输 和储存。 本文件适用于以水泥为主要胶凝材料的干混砂浆用增塑剂

Plasticizer for dry-mixed mortar


Determination the epoxy value of plasticizers

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