抗坏血酸 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 抗坏血酸 相关的标准,共 10

Zpracovatel: Farmakon n. p. Olomouc Pracovník ??adu pro-normalizaci a mě?ení: in?. K. Antonín

Ascorbic acid


L(+)-Ascorbic acid

This Korean Industrial Standard specifies L(+)-Ascorbic acid for reagent(hereafter referred to as L(+)- Ascorbic acid). Remark Corresponding


Determination of L-ascorbic acid

Zpracovatel: ?st?ední v?zkumn? ústav potraviná?ského pr?myslu v Praze, Ing. V. Srncova Pracovnice ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: Jitka Toko?ov

Determination of L-asoorbic acid


L(+)-Ascorbic acid (Reagent)

L(+)-Ascorbic acid (Reagent)


L(+)-Ascorbic acid(reagent)

本标准规定了化学试剂抗坏血酸的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则和包装及标志。 本标准适用于化学试剂抗坏血酸的检验

Chemical reagent. L-Ascorbic acid

本标准规定了化学试剂L(+)-抗坏血酸的性状、规格、试验、检验规则和包装、贮存、运输及标志。 本标准适用于化学试剂L(+)-抗坏血酸的检验。 分子式:C6H8O6 相对分子质量:176.09(根据2011年国际相对原子质量

Chemical reagent.L(+)-Ascorbic acid

Fruit and vegetable juices. Determination of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid content. Fluorimetry method.

Meat and meat products. Method for determination of ascorbic acid and ascorbates by high performance liquid chromatography

This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for 1-ascorbic acid for use as antioxidant

Specification for food grade ascorbic acid

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