水不溶物 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 水不溶物 相关的标准,共 10

本标准规定了水溶肥料水不溶物含量测定的试验方法。 本标准适用于液体和固体水溶肥料水不溶物含量的测定

Water-soluble fertilizers-Determination of water insoluble matter content


Testing method of material insoluble in water for pesticides

Fertilizers - Determination of water-insoluble matter

本标准规定了水溶肥料水不溶物含量和pH测定的试验方法。 本标准适用于液体或固体水溶肥料中水不溶物含量和pH的测定

Water-soluble fertilizers-Determination of water insoluble matter content and pH

Determination of water-insoluble content and pH of water-soluble fertilizers

Determination of water-insoluble matter in magnesium-containing mineral raw materials

Determination method of yellow blood salt sodium water insoluble matter

本标准规定工业用聚甲醛之水不溶物检验法。本方法须先参考 CNS 6193 工业用聚甲醛检验法(总则

Method of Test for Water - Insoluble Matter of Paraformaldehyde for Industrial Use

本标准规定了工业用三聚磷酸钠(三磷酸五钠)中水不溶物的测定方法。 本标准适用于各种工艺生产的三聚磷酸钠中水不溶物的测定

Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use-Determination of matter insoluble in water

本标准规定了用重量法测定水不溶物的通用方法。 本标准适用于水溶性固体化学试剂中水不溶物的测定。用本标准测定水不溶物时,按取样量和规格值计算所得到的不溶物质量不得小于1mg 。 本标准不适用于在沸水中不稳定或者腐蚀玻璃滤埚的化学试剂中水不溶物的测定

Chemical reagent.General method for the determination of water insoluble matter


Determination of Water - Insoluble Matter of Sodium Fluoride for Indistrial Use

Sodium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of water-insoluble matter

Sodium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of water-insoluble matter

Sodium fluoride for industrial use -- Determination of water-insoluble matter

Sodium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of water-insoluble matter

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