硫总 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 硫总 相关的标准,共 10

1. Determinar el azufre total en cualquier producto petrolífero que no puede quemarse completamente en una lámpara de mecha y cuya volatilidad es lo

Total sulfur content (electric pump method)

1. Determinar el azufre total, en concentraciones superiores a 0,002 °/0 en peso, de productos petrolíferos líquidos median-te la combustión directa o

Total sulfur (electric lamp method)


mineral oil. Sulfur content (total sulfur)

Bauxite.Determination of total sulphur content

The document specifies a procedure for determination of total sulfur in soil by dry combustion at a minimum temperature of 1150

Soil quality - Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion (ISO 15178:2000)

Confectionery. Methods for determination of total sulphur dioxide content

本文件描述了使用自动分析仪法测定橡胶中总硫含量(方法A)、总氮含量(方法B)的方法。 本文件适用于橡胶中总硫、总氮含量的测定。 注:测定橡胶中的总硫含量时会受促进剂、防老剂等助剂中本身含硫量的影响,最终测定结果比实际添加的硫磺含量偏高

Rubber—Determination the contents of total sulfur and total nitrogen — Automatic analyser method

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает метод определения общей и органической серы при концентрации в газе до 1000

Combustible natural gases. Method for determination of total and organic sulphur content

Combustible natural gas. Determination of total sulphur

STMicroelectronics testing. Quickly determine total sulfur content

Fruit and vegetable juices. Determination of total sulfur dioxide by distillation

1 Prezentul standard stabile?te metodele de determinare a : — trioxidului de sulf ; — sulfatului total ; — sulfului din sulfuri ; din zgura de

HLAST FURNACE SLAG Dctennination of sulphur trioxide, totul sulphur and sulphur of sulphides

1 Prezentul standard se refer? la metodele de determinare a con?inutului de bioxid de sulf total ?i liber din produsele ob?inute din fructe conservate

FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Determinat ion of total and free sulpphur dioxide

Fertilizers. Extraction of total calcium, total magnesium, total sodium and total sulfur in the forms of sulfates

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