硼 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 相关的标准,共 10

Photometric method

Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of manganese content of boric acid, boric oxide and disodium tetraborate

Titrimetric method

Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of sodium oxide and boric oxide contents of crude sodium borates

Methods of test for Orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use — Part 0 : General introduction

Boron anhydride (boron trioxide)

1 Prezentul .standard stabile?te metodele pentru determinarea con?inutului de bor din ferobor ?i anume : — metoda volumetric? cu titrare fa?? de

FERROBORON Determination of boron content

Industrial Borax (Sodium Borate)

This International Standard specifies a gravimetric method for the determination of loss in mass after heating at 900 ℃ of crude sodium borates

Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of loss in mass of crude sodium borates after heating at a temperature o

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает титриметрический и потенциометрический методы определения бора (при массовой доле бора от 3,0 до 35

Ferroboron. Methods for the determination of boron

FERROBORON - Determination of boron content

Photometric method

Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of iron soluble in alkaline medium in crude sodium borates

本标准规定了渗硼的基本材料、工艺、设备、渗硼剂、渗硼后处理、渗硼层检验及安全技术等基本要求。 本标准适用于要求耐磨、耐蚀、搞氧化的各种结构钢、工模具钢、不锈钢、铸铁等的制成品或待抛光和研磨的半成品


  本标准规定了渗硼的基体材料、工艺、设备、渗硼剂、渗硼后处理、渗硼层质量检验及安全技术等基本要求。 本标准适用于要求耐磨、耐蚀、抗氧化的各种结构钢、工模具钢、不锈钢、铸铁等的制成品或待抛光和研磨的半成品


本标准规定了硼铁交货的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、储运、标志和质量证明书。 本标准适用于炼钢、铸造和供非晶、超微晶母合金、钕铁硼合金及其他用途作硼元素加入剂用的硼铁


GB/T5682—2015 本标准规定「硼铁的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及包装、储运、标志和质量证明书。 本标准适用于炼钢、铸造和2 规苑性引


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