缩二脲 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 缩二脲 相关的标准,共 10

本标准规定了饲料级缩二脲的要求、抽样、试验方法、检验规则、标签、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于由尿素热缩合而生产的用作反刍动物非蛋白氮饲料的缩二脲。 化学名:氨基甲酰脲(Carbamy lurea) 分子式:C2H5N3O<下标2

Feed-grade Biuret

Carbamid. Method of biuret content determination

Engrais - Détermination photométrique du biuret dans l'urée

This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of biuret in urea. The method is applicable to urea and urea-based fertilizers

Fertilizers - Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea

本标准规定了复混肥料(复合肥料)中缩二脲含量的测定的试验方法:液相色谱法、分光光度法。 本标准适用于基础肥料中含有尿素的复混肥料(复合肥料)中缩二脲含量的测定

Determination of biuret ocntent for compound fertilizers(complex fertilizers)

本标准规定了进出口化肥中缩二脲含量的测定方法。 本标准适用于尿素中缩二脲含量的测定

Chemical analysis of fertilizers for import and export.Determination of biuret content

Urea for industrial use - Determination of biuret content - Photometric method

Fertilizers. Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea

This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of biuret in urea. The method is applicable to urea and urea-based fertilizers

Fertilizers - Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea

Urea for industrial use-Determination of biuret content-Photometric method

This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of biuret in urea. The method is applicable to urea and urea-based fertilizers

Fertilizers - Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea; English version of DIN EN 15479:2009-04

Fertilizers - Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea; German version EN 15479:2009

Fertilizers - Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea

  Full Description ADOPTED_FROM:EN 15479:2009 This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of biuret in urea.

Fertilizers — Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea

本标准规定用硫酸铜分光光度法测定复混肥料中缩二脲含量的方法。 本标准适用于复混肥料(包括有机一无机复混肥料)中缩二脲含量的测定。当复混肥料中含有对显色反应有影响的农药(如五氯苯酚钠等)时,不适用于本标准

Determination of Biuret Content for Compound Fertilizers-Spectrophotometric Method

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