重金属 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 重金属 相关的标准,共 10

The UK has been granted an A-deviation from EN 1904 as a number of requirements conflict with those of the Hallmarking Act 1973

Precious metals - The finenesses of solders used with precious metal jewellery alloys

This European Standard specifies the precious metal content in solders suitable for use inThe production ofjewellery made of precious metal alloys

Precious metals - The finenesses of solders used with precious metal jewellery alloys

Prezentul standard se refer? la uleiul alb greu, ob?inut din frac?iuni de uleiuri pro-venite din ?i?ei selec?ionat prin solventare selectiv


Heavy metal grate trench

Paraffin heavy metal test method

Schválení ST SEV 806-77 doporu?ilo ministerstvo pr?myslu ?SR. Zpracovatel: Lachema, n. p., Brno: Ing. Hana Si?áková, ing. Ladislav Srp, Jitka Pokorn

Determination of heavy metals mpurities

Jewellery. Fineness of precious metal alloys

Vaseline heavy metal limit test method

Reagents. Methods for the determination of heavy metals

Reagents. Methods for determination of heavy metals


Appendix IX E Heavy Metal Inspection Method


Appendix Ⅷ H heavy metal inspection method

Jewellery. Fineness of precious metal alloys

4 处理方法 4.1 一般规定 1)污水处理方法和药剂的选择应考虑污水量、水质、回收有价金属的形式及其利用、药剂来源及其价格、地方条件、处理后水质的要求等因素,并进行技术经济比较后确定。 2)应充分研究利用实验室或者附近的污水、废气、废渣处理污水的可行性,做到以废治废。 3)不同污染源的

Specification for treatment of heavy metal wastewater in laboratory

本标准规定了墨锭中铅、镉、铬的石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定方法。 本标准适用于各墨锭中铅、镉、铬的含量测定

Determination of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium) in ink sticks

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