11种除草剂 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 11种除草剂 相关的标准,共 10

Determination of Eleven Herbicides and Metabolite Residues in Water by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

National food safety standards— Determination of 11 herbicide residues in cereals and soybean Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

本标准规定了进出口粮谷和大豆中11种除草剂残留量的气相色谱一质谱检测方法。 本标准适用于进出口大米、玉米、小麦和大豆中乙草胺、戊草丹、甲草胺、异丙甲草胺、二甲戊灵、丁草胺、氟酰胺、丙草胺、灭锈胺、吡氟酰草胺和苯噻酰草胺残留量的测定和确证

Determination of 11 herbicide residues in cereals and soybean for import and export-GC-MS method

Technical regulations for the production of millet resistant to two kinds of herbicides

Surface water bottom sedimentation determination, herbicide determination

Provides the accepted common name for the chemical compound given. Includes the use of the common name and the physical and chemical properties

Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical - 2-(((((4-Ethoxy-6- (Methylamino)-1,3,5-Triazin-2-yl)= Amino) Carbonyl)Amino) Sulfonyl)Benzoic Acid "Ethametsulfuron"

Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- (((((4-Methoxy-6-methyl- 1,3,5-triazin-2-yl) amino)carbonyl)amino) sulfonyl)benzoic Acid "Metsulfuron" (Corrected Edition)

本部分规定了除草剂对水绵活性测定试验的基本方法和要求。 本部分适用于农药登记用除草剂对水绵活性测定的室内试验和评价

Pesticide guidelines for laboratory bioactivity tests.Part 11: Herbicide activity on Spirogyra crassa

Provides the accepted common name for the chemical compound given. Includes the use of the common name and the physical and chemical properties

Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 5-Bromo-3-sec-butyl-6- methyluracil: Bromacil

Provides the accepted common name for the chemical compound given. Includes the use of the common name and the physical and chemical properties

Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 3- (p-Chlorophenyl)-1,1- dimethylurea Monuron


Determination of 15 Chlorinated Herbicides in Water Quality by Gas Chromatography

Provides the accepted common name for the chemical compound given. Includes the use of the common name and the physical and chemical properties

Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate "Bifenox"


Benazolin-ethyl aqueous suspension concentrates

本标准规定了转基因抗除草剂油菜GT73的转化体特异性定性PCR检测方法。 本标准适用于转基因抗除草剂油菜GT73及其衍生品种,以及制品中GT73的定性PCR检测

Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide-tolerant Canola GT73 and Its Derivates

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