稀释柴油 标准查询与下载

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本方法是用气相色谱测定在用柴油机油中稀释柴油含量的方法。本方法适用于SAE30黏度等级柴油机油。测定稀释的柴油浓度可达到12%(质量分数)。 本方法使用具有氢火焰检测器和程序升温柱箱的气相色谱仪。 柴油和黏度等级为SAE30的柴油机油在沸点范围上有一些重叠。此外,来源不同的SAE30柴油机油在

Diesel fuel diluent in used diesel engine oils by gas chromatography

mineral oil. Diluting lubricants with gasoline and diesel fuel

1.1 This test method covers the determination of diesel fuel as a contaminant in used lubricating oil. The method is limited to SAE 30 oil.

Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography

1.1 This test method covers the use of gas chromatography to determine the amount of diesel fuel in used engine lubricating oil. This test is limited

Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography

5.1 Some fuel dilution of the engine oil may take place during normal operation. However

Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography

Some fuel dilution of the engine oil may take place during normal operation. However, excessive fuel dilution is of concern in terms

Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography

This document relates to the measurement of the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the exhaust gas from internal combustion

Emission measurement - Measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Measurement of PAHs in the diluted exhaust gas from gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars gas chromatographic determination - Dilution tunnel method


Dope Thinner

Scope 1.1 This standard applies to mineral or white spirits petroleum distillate that may be used as a paint and varnish thinner

Petroleum Spirits Thinner

이 표준은 용제 희석형 방청유(이하 방청유라 한다.)에 대하여 규정한다

Corrosion preventive oils solvent dilution

Zpracovatel: Barvy a laky, n. p., Praha - Eva Vyhnánková Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: V?zkumn? ústav nátěrov?ch hmot, Praha - Ing. J. Obrazov

Thinner S 6900 for p^ints

Zpracovatel: Barvy a laky, n. p., Praha - Eva Vyhnánková Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: V?zkumn? ústav nátěrov?ch hmot, Praha - Ing. J. Obrazov

Thiímer H 6000 for paints


Solvent Diluted Pust Preventive Oil

Corrosion preventive oils solvent dilution

1.1 La présente norme s'applique au diluant, essence minérale ou white spirit, produit de distillation du pétrole, convenant à un emploi général

Thinner, mineral spirits

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