Z19 动、植物体内有毒害物质分析方法 标准查询与下载

共找到 30 条与 动、植物体内有毒害物质分析方法 相关的标准,共 2

本标准规定了粮食(大米、小麦、玉米)、水果(苹果、梨、桃等)、蔬菜(黄瓜、大白菜、西红柿等)中速灭磷(mevinphos)、甲拌磷(phorate)、二嗪磷(diazinon)、异稻瘟净(iprobenfos)、甲基对硫磷(parathi—on-methyl)、杀螟硫磷(fenitrothion)、溴硫磷(bromophos)、水胺硫磷(isocarbophos)、稻丰散(phent—hoate)杀扑磷(methidathion)等多组分残留量的测定。 本标准适用于粮食、水果、蔬菜等作物中有机磷农药的残留量的测定。

Method of gas chromatographic for determination of organophosphorus pesticides in cereals,fruits and vegetables


本标准规定了动物(禽、畜、鱼、蚯蚓)、植物(粮食、水果、蔬菜、茶、藕)中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测定方法。 本标准适用于动物性样品(禽、畜、鱼、蚯蚓)、植物性样品(粮食、水果、蔬菜、茶、藕)中有机氯农药残留量的分析。

Method of gas chromatographic for determination of BHC and DDT in animal and plant tissues


Biomaterials--Determination of urinary 1--Hydroxypyrene--High performance liquid chromatography


本标准适用于生物(动物:如禽、畜、鱼、蚯蚓;植物:如粮食、水果、蔬菜、茶、藕)中六六六、滴滴涕的分析。 本法采用丙酮-石油醚提取,以浓硫酸净化,用带电子捕获检测器的气相色谱仪测定。 本方法的最低检测浓度为0.00004~0.00487mg/kg。

Organisms quality. Determination of BHC and DDT. Gas chromatography


本标准规定了在确定的试验条件下测定水溶性物质引起斑马鱼急性致死毒性大致范围的方法--静水法、换水法和流水法。 本标准适用于水中单一化学物质的毒性测定。工业废水的毒性测定也可使用此方法。(废水样品的采集、保存、干扰的处理见附录A。)

Water quality--Determination of the acute toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish.(Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan)


本标准适用于以下范围: a.在试验条件下可溶的化学物质(包括工业原料和产品、食品添加剂、农药、医药等)。 b.工业废水。 c.生活污水。 d.地表水、地下水。

Water quality--Determination of the acute toxicity of substance to daphnia.(Daphnia magna straus)


Shellfish—Determination of lipophilic marine biotoxins—LC-MS/MS method


Tetrodotoxin detection method


本部分规定了生态地球化学评价动植物试样中氟量的测定方法。本部分适用于生态地球化学评价动植物试样中氟量的测定。当取样量为1 g时,本方法测定氟的检出限为0.1 μg/g,测定下限为0.4 μg/g。

Analytic methods for biologic samples in eco-geochemistry assessment.Part 4:Determination of fluorine content.Microdiffusion-fluorine reagents spectrophotometry



Determination of Aureomycin Residues in Meat of Livestock and Poultry



Determination of Salbutamol in Pig Urine-ELISA


本标准规定了贻贝监测主要内容、技术要求和方法。 本标准适用于在中华人民共和国内海、领海以及中华人民共和国管辖海域内近岸海域的监测工作。

Technical specification for mussel watch


General: Sediment provides habitat for many aquatic organisms and is a major repository for many of the more persistent chemicals that are introduced into surface waters. In the aquatic environment, most anthropogenic chemicals and waste materials including toxic organic and inorganic chemicals eventually accumulate in sediment. Mounting evidences exists of environmental degradation in areas where USEPA Water Quality Criteria (WQC; (65)) are not exceeded, yet organisms in or near sediments are adversely affected (66). The WQC were developed to protect organisms in the water column and were not directed toward protecting organisms in sediment. Concentrations of contaminants in sediment may be several orders of magnitude higher than in the overlying water; however, bulk sediment concentrations have not been strongly correlated to bioavailability (67). Partitioning or sorption of a compound between water and sediment may depend on many factors including: aqueous solubility, pH, redox, affinity for sediment organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon, grain size of the sediment, sediment mineral constituents (oxides of iron, manganese, and aluminum), and the quantity of acid volatile sulfides in sediment (40, 41). Although certain chemicals are highly sorbed to sediment, these compounds may still be available to the biota. Chemicals in sediments may be directly toxic to aquatic life or can be a source of chemicals for bioaccumulation in the food chain. The objective of a sediment test is to determine whether chemicals in sediment are harmful to or are bioaccumulated by benthic organisms. The tests can be used to measure interactive toxic effects of complex chemical mixtures in sediment. Furthermore, knowledge of specific pathways of interactions among sediments and test organisms is not necessary to conduct the tests (68). Sediment tests can be used to: (1) determine the relationship between toxic effects and bioavailability, (2) investigate interactions among chemicals, (3) compare the sensitivities of different organisms, (4) determine spatial and temporal distribution of contamination, (5) evaluate hazards of dredged material, (6) measure toxicity as part of product licensing or safety testing, (7) rank areas for clean up, and (8) estimate the effectiveness of remediation or management practices. A variety of methods have been developed for assessing the toxicity of chemicals in sediments using amphipods, midges, polychaetes, oligochaetes, mayflies, or cladocerans (Section 13 and 14; Annex A1 to Annex A5; (2), (4), (356), (390). Several endpoints are suggested in these methods to measure potential effects of contaminants in sediment including survival, growth, behavior, or reproduction; however, survival of test organisms in 10-day exposures is the endpoint most commonly reported. These short-term exposures which only measure effects on survival can be used to identify high levels of contamination in sediments, but may not be able to identify moderate levels of contamination in sediments (USEPA (2); Sibley et al., (54); Sibley et al., (55); Sibley et al., (69); Benoit et al., (70); Ingersoll et al., (56)). Sublethal endpoints in sediment tests might also prove to be better estimates of resp......

Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates


General: Sediment provides habitat for many aquatic organisms and is a major repository for many of the more persistent chemicals that are introduced into surface waters. In the aquatic environment, most anthropogenic chemicals and waste materials including toxic organic and inorganic chemicals eventually accumulate in sediment. Mounting evidences exists of environmental degradation in areas where USEPA Water Quality Criteria (WQC; (65)) are not exceeded, yet organisms in or near sediments are adversely affected (66). The WQC were developed to protect organisms in the water column and were not directed toward protecting organisms in sediment. Concentrations of contaminants in sediment may be several orders of magnitude higher than in the overlying water; however, bulk sediment concentrations have not been strongly correlated to bioavailability (67). Partitioning or sorption of a compound between water and sediment may depend on many factors including: aqueous solubility, pH, redox, affinity for sediment organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon, grain size of the sediment, sediment mineral constituents (oxides of iron, manganese, and aluminum), and the quantity of acid volatile sulfides in sediment (40, 41). Although certain chemicals are highly sorbed to sediment, these compounds may still be available to the biota. Chemicals in sediments may be directly toxic to aquatic life or can be a source of chemicals for bioaccumulation in the food chain. The objective of a sediment test is to determine whether chemicals in sediment are harmful to or are bioaccumulated by benthic organisms. The tests can be used to measure interactive toxic effects of complex chemical mixtures in sediment. Furthermore, knowledge of specific pathways of interactions among sediments and test organisms is not necessary to conduct the tests (68). Sediment tests can be used to: (1) determine the relationship between toxic effects and bioavailability, (2) investigate interactions among chemicals, (3) compare the sensitivities of different organisms, (4) determine spatial and temporal distribution of contamination, (5) evaluate hazards of dredged material, (6) measure toxicity as part of product licensing or safety testing, (7) rank areas for clean up, and (8) estimate the effectiveness of remediation or management practices. A variety of methods have been developed for assessing the toxicity of chemicals in sediments using amphipods, midges, polychaetes, oligochaetes, mayflies, or cladocerans (Section 13 and 14; Annex A1 to Annex A5; (2), (4), (356), (390). Several endpoints are suggested in these methods to measure potential effects of contaminants in sediment including survival, growth, behavior, or reproduction; however, survival of test organisms in 10-day exposures is the endpoint most commonly reported. These short-term exposures which only measure effects on survival can be used to identify high levels of contamination in sediments, but may not be able to identify moderate levels of contamination in sediments (USEPA (2); Sibley et al., (54); Sibley et al., (55); Sibley et al., (69); Benoit et al., (70); Ingersoll et al., (56)). Sublethal endpoints in sediment tests might also prove to be better estimates of resp......

Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates

07.100.20 (Microbiology of water)


Determination of gentamicin residues in animal edible tissues Microbiological assay



Detection method of clenbuterol in pig liver by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay


1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining, storing, characterizing, and manipulating marine, estuarine, and freshwater sediments, for use in laboratory sediment toxicity evaluations and describes samplers that can be used to collect sediment and benthic invertebrates (). This standard is not meant to provide detailed guidance for all aspects of sediment assessments, such as chemical analyses or monitoring, geophysical characterization, or extractable phase and fractionation analyses. However, some of this information might have applications for some of these activities. A variety of methods are reviewed in this guide. A statement on the consensus approach then follows this review of the methods. This consensus approach has been included in order to foster consistency among studies. It is anticipated that recommended methods and this guide will be updated routinely to reflect progress in our understanding of sediments and how to best study them. This version of the standard is based primarily on a document developed by USEPA (2001 (1)) and by Environment Canada (1994 ()) as well as an earlier version of this standard.1.2 Protecting sediment quality is an important part of restoring and maintaining the biological integrity of our natural resources as well as protecting aquatic life, wildlife, and human health. Sediment is an integral component of aquatic ecosystems, providing habitat, feeding, spawning, and rearing areas for many aquatic organisms (MacDonald and Ingersoll 2002a,b (3)(4)). Sediment also serves as a reservoir for contaminants in sediment and therefore a potential source of contaminants to the water column, organisms, and ultimately human consumers of those organisms. These contaminants can arise from a number of sources, including municipal and industrial discharges, urban and agricultural runoff, atmospheric deposition, and port operations.1.3 Contaminated sediment can cause lethal and sublethal effects in benthic (sediment-dwelling) and other sediment-associated organisms. In addition, natural and human disturbances can release contaminants to the overlying water, where pelagic (water column) organisms can be exposed. Sediment-associated contaminants can reduce or eliminate species of recreational, commercial, or ecological importance, either through direct effects or by affecting the food supply that sustainable populations require. Furthermore, some contaminants in sediment can bioaccumulate through the food chain and pose health risks to wildlife and human consumers even when sediment-dwelling organisms are not themselves impacted (Test Method E 1706).1.4 There are several regulatory guidance documents concerned with sediment collection and characterization procedures that might be important for individuals performing federal or state agency-related work. Discussion of some of the principles and current thoughts on these approaches can be found in Dickson, et al. Ingersoll et al. (1997 ()), and Wenning and Ingersoll (2002 ()).1.5 This guide is arranged as follows:SectionScopeReferenced DocumentsTerminologySummary of GuideSignificance and UseInterferencesApparatusSafety HazardsSediment Monitoring and Assessment PlansCollection of Whole Sediment SamplesField Sample Processing, Transport, and Storage of Sediments Sample ManipulationsCollection of Interstitial WaterPhysico-chemical Characterization of Sediment SamplesQuality AssuranceReport

Standard Guide for Collection, Storage, Characterization, and Manipulation of Sediments for Toxicological Testing and for Selection of Samplers Used to Collect Benthic Invertebrates


1.1 This test method covers procedures for testing estuarine or marine organisms in the laboratory to evaluate the toxicity of contaminants associated with whole sediments. Sediments may be collected from the field or spiked with compounds in the laboratory. General guidance is presented in Sections 1 to 15 for conducting sediment toxicity tests with estuarine or marine amphipods. Specific guidance for conducting 10-d sediment toxicity tests with estuarine or marine amphipods is outlined in and specific guidance for conducting 28-d sediment toxicity tests with Leptocheirus plumulosus is outlined in Annex A2.

Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Invertebrates


1.1 This test method covers procedures for testing estuarine or marine organisms in the laboratory to evaluate the toxicity of contaminants associated with whole sediments. Sediments may be collected from the field or spiked with compounds in the laboratory. General guidance is presented in Sections 1 to 15 for conducting sediment toxicity tests with estuarine or marine amphipods. Specific guidance for conducting 10-d sediment toxicity tests with estuarine or marine amphipods is outlined in and specific guidance for conducting 28-d sediment toxicity tests with Leptocheirus plumulosus is outlined in .1.2 Procedures are described for testing estuarine or marine amphipod crustaceans in 10-d laboratory exposures to evaluate the toxicity of contaminants associated with whole sediments (; USEPA 1994a ()). Sediments may be collected from the field or spiked with compounds in the laboratory. A toxicity method is outlined for four species of estuarine or marine sediment-burrowing amphipods found within United States coastal waters. The species are Ampelisca abdita, a marine species that inhabits marine and mesohaline portions of the Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and San Francisco Bay; Eohaustorius estuarius, a Pacific coast estuarine species; Leptocheirus plumulosus, an Atlantic coast estuarine species; and Rhepoxynius abronius, a Pacific coast marine species. Generally, the method described may be applied to all four species, although acclimation procedures and some test conditions (that is, temperature and salinity) will be species-specific (Sections and ). The toxicity test is conducted in 1-L glass chambers containing 175 mL of sediment and 775 mL of overlying seawater. Exposure is static (that is, water is not renewed), and the animals are not fed over the 10-d exposure period. The endpoint in the toxicity test is survival with reburial of surviving amphipods as an additional measurement that can be used as an endpoint for some of the test species (for R. abronius and E. estuarius). Performance criteria established for this test include the average survival of amphipods in negative control treatment must be greater than or equal to 90 %. Procedures are described for use with sediments with pore-water salinity ranging from >0 o/ooto fully marine.1.3 A procedure is also described for determining the chronic toxicity of contaminants associated with whole sediments with the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus in laboratory exposures (; USEPA-USACE 2001()). The toxicity test is conducted for 28 d in 1-L glass chambers containing 175 mL of sediment and about 775 mL of overlying water. Test temperature is 25 2C, and the recommended overlying water salinity is 5 o/oo 2 o/oo(for test sediment with pore water at 1 o/oo to 10 o/oo) or 20 o/oo 2 o/oo (for test sediment with pore water >10 o/oo). Four hundred millilitres of overlying water is renewed three times per week, at which times test organisms are fed. The endpoints in the toxicity test are survival, growth, and reproduction of amphipods. Performance criteria established for this test include the average survival of amphipods in negative control treatment must be greater than or equal to 80 % and there must be measurable growth and reproduction in all replicates of the negative control treatment. This test is applicable for use with sediments from oligohaline to fully marine environments, with a silt content greater than 5 % and a clay content less than 85 %.1.4 A salinity of 5 or 20 o/oo is recommended for routine application of 28-d test with L. plumulosus (; USEPA-USACE 2001 ()) and a salinity of 20 o/oois recommended for routine application of the 10-d test with E. estuarius or L. plumulosus (). However, the salinity of the overlying water for tests with these two species can be adjusted to a specific salinity of interest (f......

Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Invertebrates


Protection of a species requires prevention of unacceptable effects on the number, weight, health, and uses of the individuals of that species. A life-cycle toxicity test is conducted to determine what changes in the numbers and weights of individuals of the test species result from effects of the test material on survival, growth, and reproduction. Information might also be obtained on effects of the material on the health and uses of the species. Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be used to predict long-term effects likely to occur on mysids in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions. Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be used to compare the chronic sensitivities of different species and the chronic toxicities of different materials, and also to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests. Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E 1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (1).3 Results of a life-cycle test with mysids might be useful for predicting the results of chronic tests on the same test material with the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water (2). Most such predictions take into account results of acute toxicity tests, and so the usefulness of the results from a life-cycle test with mysids is greatly increased by also reporting the results of an acute toxicity test (see Guide E 729) conducted under the same conditions. Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be useful for studying the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials. Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be useful for predicting population effects on the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water (3).1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material added to dilution water, but not to food, on certain species of saltwater mysids during continuous exposure from immediately after birth until after the beginning of reproduction using the flow-through technique. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with other species of mysids, although modifications might be necessary. 1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information on new concepts and procedures for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with saltwater mysids. 1.3 These procedures are applicable to all chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures, that can be measured accurately at the necessary concentrations in water. With appropriate modifications, these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH and on such materials as aqueous effluents (see also Guide E 1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. 1.4 This guide is arranged as follows:

Standard Guide for Conducting Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with Saltwater Mysids

13.300 (Protection against dangerous goods)

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