My story of vibram fivefingers shoes

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-14 15:50:50

That's the short version of my story about vibram fivefingers shoes. The longer version is available on my blog, Barefoot and Grounded.Going barefoot is important for a number of reasons. As you have stated on vibram five fingers, the most natural and baseline state for our feet is bare. They have been formed the way they are for a reason. Our feet really do provide our grounding, physically connecting us to the world. We do a tremendous disservice to our feet if we trap them in tight, inflexible, non-breathing shoes most of the time. By going barefoot or wearing "minimalist" footwear like Vibram Five Fingers, our feet are allowed to be flexible and STRONG. I think it's sad seeing how weak people's feet typically are. Often you can even see the individual bones because their feet are so atrophied. So many people rely on their shoes to do all the work for their feet, that they never allow their feet to truly be healthy. While VFFs are a good way to allow our feet to move and function freely, there is something to be said for having sole to ground. By feeling the ground with our feet, we have so much greater perception vibram five finger of the environment around us.

TAG: fingersfivevibram







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  • 访问量: 1501
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-22


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