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2001, Yates, MudPIT,Sequest, 68hrs, 1483 proteins (0.4 protein/min) . Nat Biotech,2001, 19, 242-247

2002, Gygi, offline fractionation, LC/LC.MS/MS,  135hrs, 1504 proteins (0.2 protein/min).  JPR,2012 2, 43-50

2003, Weissmann,  genome to predict 4500 proteins【Yeast , 6600 ORF】

2006, Mann, LTQ-Orbitrap, SILAC, 48hrs, 2003 proteins (0.7 protein/min). Genome Biol. 2006; 7(6): R50

2008, Mann, LTQ-Orbitrap, SILAC , fractionation, triplicate aquiring, 144hrs, 4000 proteins (0.5 protein/min).  Nature 455, 1251-1254. Genome Biol. 7(6): R50

2010, Coon, fractionation, multipile proteases (trypsin, LysC, ArgC, AspN, and GluC), 320hrs,3908 proteins (0.2 protein/min). JPR, 2010, 9, 1323-1329

2011, Muddiman, 5600 @low speed 20Hz for MS2, 1112 proteins [ Although the TripleTOF is capable of operating at very high scan rates (up to 100 Hz), 20 MS/MS events provided a greater number of protein identifications for this global analysis]. Analytical Chemistry 83, 5442-5446 【此结果存疑,待核对更多数据】
2011,Yasushi Ishihamaa, 5600,4ug HeLa cell,4mX100um i.d. monolithic silica-C18【4米长硅胶整体柱】,8h gradient,500 nL/min,41319 nrTryptic peptides,5,970 proteins. J. Chromatogr. A (2011), doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.10.059
2012,Aebersold,DIA and TDE. SWATH【32X25Da precursor】.dynamic range of 4 orders.MCP,2012,11(16):1–17

2012, Mann, Single-shot Ultra HPLC, QE, 4hrs, 3900 proteins (16 protein/min). 33 fold. MCP,2012,11(3):M111.013722

2013, Coon,Fusion. Trypsin+DMSO. MS:m/z300-1500, Res@60K@m/z200, MS/MS:20Hz, Q-isolation 0.7Th(FWHM)(unit mass resolution), 5 second/cycle, 1.4ug, 1.5hr run (70min gradient), 3977 proteins (44 protein/min). Dynamic range:5000. PRM comparable to MRM【未提供详细比对结果,待验证】









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