Running in vibram fivefingers

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-20 14:39:15

Running in vibram fivefingers is much new vibram five fingers like running barefoot, except without the mincing "Ow-ow-ow!" moments as you hit a patch of gravel or sun-baked asphalt. You have to use the same stride (and the same, probably atrophied, calf and arch muscles) as you do when running with naked feet. The end result is good: By forcing me into a more efficient stride, the VFFs helped subtract nearly a minute from my admittedly slow per-mile pace. Vibram five fingers Shoes and “Barefoot” Running at Rambling outside the Box:If you’re going to be a “barefoot runner,” you are naturally tempted to forego socks altogether with your Five-Fingers. I’ve now experimented quite a bit with and without socks. My current preference is to use socks only for hotter temperatures and runs of more than an hour or so. I don’t bother with socks for runs of an hour or less. The primary issue is that I start to develop hot spots after my feet start to sweat significantly. Socks help reduce the chafing and wick away the sweat. I don’t seem to need very much sock; I use very thin Injinji “liner” socks made from vibram fivefingers bamboo fiber, and I’ve had good luck up to the maximum run of about 12–13 miles I’ve tried so far.

TAG: fivefingersvibram







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  • 访问量: 1501
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-22


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