Scientific Writing-part 9: Commonly Misused Words and Abbreviations

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-11-20 16:55:33

Commonly Misused Words



"Affect" is usually used as a verb that means to influence. "Effect" is most commonly used as a noun to mean the result or outcome.

Consensus. :  "Consensus" means a collective opinion. It is redundant to use the phrase "consensus of opiniion".

Criterion-Criteria. :  "Criterion" is singular; "criteria" is plural. Other related pairs of words are: medium-media, datum-data and spectrum-spectra.

Imply-Infer. :   If an author "implies" something about the paper, something is suggested but not explicitly stated. If a reader "infers" something about a paper, something is understood ewven though it was not explicitly stated.

Only. :   When using the word "only", place it directly in front of the word it is intended to modify.

Principal-Principle. :   A rule or truth is a "principle". "Principal" is a noun or adjective meaning chief or leading.

Unique. :  There is only one of a "unique" thing. Do not use the phrases "most unique", "very unique" or "rather unique". Use the words "unusual", "uncommon" or "rare" in place of unique in these phrases.


Commonly Misused Abbreviations


e.g., :  exempli gratias, for example - Use commas before and after it appears in a sentence. Use periods after each letter.

et al. :  et alli, and others - Since "et" is a complete latin word, do not use a period after it. The second word is abbreviated so a period must follow it.

i.e,. id est, that is - Use commas before and after it appears in a sentence. Use periods after each letter.

viz. :   videlicet, namely - Also set this off with commas before and after. Use a period at the end of the word.


aishuying 引用 删除 aishuying   /   2008-12-30 21:48:31
happydogs 引用 删除 happydogs   /   2008-11-21 11:35:00
TTEWEE 引用 删除 TTEWEE   /   2008-11-21 00:15:21
this post is so useful that i can't even take my eyes off  it!





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