

•    Develop a reverse phase HPLC method to detect triazine herbicides (propazine, atrazine, ter-butylazine, simazine and irgarol) using a single quadrupole MS detector with field free APCI source
•    Determine the detection limits for 5 triazine herbicides
•    Study the effect of a nitrogen supply hydrocarbon trap on sensitivity determination of 5 triazine herbicides
•    Study the fragmentation pattern of triazine herbicides compounds using APCI and capillary exit collision induced decomposition (CID) in positive ionization mode


HPLC:  PerkinElmer Flexar™FX-10
MS: PerkinElmer Flexar™SQ 300 MS with  PerkinElmer field free APCI source
Column: PerkinElmer Brownlee  Supra  C18, 3 µm, 2.1 x 100 mm
Gradient: 60 %  MeOH to 85 %  MeOH in water, 5 mM  ammonium formate in 7 min at 0.5 mL/min
APCI source  temperature: 300℃
Corona Current: 5 µA