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发布: 2012-08-09 17:19:17来源: 雷尼绍(上海)贸易有限公司

Efficiently using the sun"s energy

Efficient use of solar energy to generate commercial and industrial power has long been a desired goal. Environmental concerns, government targets, and the increasing cost of traditional fuels has generated more research and potential product opportunities in recent years. Whilst a multitude of novel materials (such as CuIn1-xGaxSe2 and CdTe) are being researched and improved, silicon based materials still lead the industry because of their high efficiency and abundance of raw material.

The high initial energy demands and costs of manufacturing single crystal silicon solar cells reduces the commercial appeal of this material and has resulted in the development of amorphous and polycrystalline variants. Although these aren"t as efficient as single crystals, they require significantly less energy to fabricate and still have excellent efficiency when compared to other materials. The compromise between manufacturing effort and cell efficiency is critically important to ensure modules are commercially viable and practical to produce. Optimising cell efficiency, and understanding the parameters that affect efficiency during fabrication, are critical for manufacturers.

Polycrystalline silicon cells consist of a series of multiple domains with different crystal orientations. Where a larger number of small domains are present, the efficiency of these cells is reduced, due to the large number of boundaries between the domains. The Raman image above shows how StreamLine imaging can be used to identify the different domains: we then use this information to quantify the boundary distance. The ability to sample data over very large areas, seamlessly, in minutes, makes StreamLine imaging the ideal method for rapidly surveying these cell modules.

Where high spatial resolution images are required (for example, to determine inter-domain variations and the affect of domain boundaries on device stresses), StreamLine"s high resolution imaging is the method of choice. This method enables users to acquire information-rich images on the sub‑micrometre scale. Renishaw also provides systems for on-line solar panel inspection for quality assurance applications during manufacture.

Renishaw"s Raman systems therefore provide the full suite of Raman capabilities that researchers and manufacturers need. This enables a complete understanding of the sample characteristics and morphology on the macro‑ and micro‑scale, whether in the laboratory or on the production line.

For further information on Raman Spectroscopy visit www.renishaw.com/raman


雷尼绍是一家跨国公司,主要提供测量、运动控制、光谱仪和精密加工等核心技术。我们开发的创新产品显著提高了客户的经营业绩 — 从提高制造效率和产品质量、极大提高研发能力到改进医疗过程的功效。



英国雷尼绍,计量科学,拉曼光谱仪,医疗器械领域的领先者 英国雷尼绍公司第一个产品是现任公司董事会主席兼首席执行官David McMurtry爵士发明的触发式测头,目的是为了解决协和式飞机上使用的Olympus发动机的特殊检测要求。公司由他...

