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伯腾推出BioTek Autoscratch全自动孔板细胞划痕仪器

发布: 2018-10-03 22:35:54来源: 安捷伦细胞分析事业部(BioTek)

新AutoCratch™ 全自动孔板细胞划痕仪提高了重复性和效率


BioTek推出了新的AutoCratch™ 用于促进二维(2D)细胞集体迁移和入侵应用的全自动孔板细胞划痕仪。通过简单的按钮操作,AutoCratch自动在以24孔或96孔微孔板形式生长的汇合细胞单层中产生相同大小和面积的一致划痕。这消除了手动划痕法中的可变性,并增加了在后续分析中分析和标准化结果所需的再现性。紧凑的系统很容易安装在层流罩中,而一个集成的多储液罐清洗槽和预编程方法在使用前后为可互换的针头提供免提清洗和去污。

AutoCratch是结合BioTek的Cytation的细胞生物学工作流程的理想配套工具™ 细胞成像多模式阅读器和狮心狮™ 自动细胞成像仪。除了动态监测细胞迁移和入侵,自动化仪器还包括Gen5™ 自动计算伤口宽度、伤口融合率和最大伤口愈合率的软件。

BioTek Instruments,Inc.总部位于美国VT威努斯基,在创新生命科学仪器的设计、制造和分销方面处于世界领先地位。我们的综合产品线包括细胞成像系统、微孔板阅读器、洗衣机、分配器、自动培养箱、堆板机和移液系统。这些产品通过提供生物分子、生物分子相互作用以及细胞结构和功能的高性能、经济高效的分析和量化,实现了生命科学研究。BioTek支持“认为可能”的方法,为新想法、卓越的客户服务和原创创新奠定基调。

New AutoScratch™ Wound Making Tool Enhances Reproducibility and Efficiency

October 3, 2018

BioTek introduces the new AutoScratch™ Wound Making Tool to facilitate two dimensional (2D) collective cell migration and invasion applications. With a simple pushbutton operation, the AutoScratch automatically creates consistent scratches of equivalent size and area in confluent cell monolayers grown in 24- or 96-well microplate format. This eliminates variability found in manual scratch methods and increases the reproducibility necessary to analyze and normalize results across subsequent assays. The compact system easily fits into laminar flow hoods, while an integrated, multi-reservoir cleaning trough and pre-programmed method offer hands-free cleaning and decontamination of the interchangeable pin heads before and after use.

AutoScratch is an ideal companion tool for cell biology workflows incorporating BioTek’s Cytation™ Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Readers and Lionheart™ Automated Cell Imagers. In addition to kinetically monitoring cell migration and invasion, the automated instruments include Gen5™ software to automatically calculate wound width, wound % confluence and maximum wound healing rate.

BioTek Instruments, Inc., headquartered in Winooski, VT, USA, is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of innovative life science instrumentation. Our comprehensive product line includes cell imaging systems, microplate readers, washers, dispensers, automated incubators, stackers and pipetting systems. These products enable life science research by providing high performance, cost-effective analysis and quantification of biomolecules, biomolecular interactions and cellular structure and function across diverse applications. BioTek espouses a "Think Possible" approach that sets the tone for fresh ideas, unsurpassed customer service and original innovations.

For additional information, contact:

Chere Griffin
Expression Marcom, LLC


公司历史 BioTek Instruments, Inc. 是微孔板仪器和软件研发、生产及销售领域的全球领先企业。BioTek 公司创立于 1968 年,创始人是佛蒙特大学医学院的生理学家 Norman Alpert 博士。凭借对医院安全...


