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Molecular Devices推出ImageXpress Nano System和CellReporterXpress软件

发布: 2017-06-15 14:24:09来源: 美谷分子仪器(上海)有限公司

ImageXpress Nano系统使每个进行细胞成像研究的实验室都可以轻松获得自动成像

加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔 - 2017年6月15日。Molecular Devices, LLC是蛋白质和细胞生物学技术的领导者,今天宣布推出其ImageXpress® Nano自动成像系统和CellReporterXpress图像采集和分析软件。根据客户的反馈和 30 多年的成像专业知识,我们很高兴地宣布推出这款具有远程采集和分析功能的经济高效的自动成像解决方案。ImageXpress Nano系统将使学术界,制药和生物技术公司的研究人员能够更快地获得更好的数据,随时随地与同行建立合作关系,从而缩短项目时间。

"研究界一直在越来越多地推动对细胞成像数据的定量分析,但从成本和易用性的角度来看,这些工具都遥不可及,"Molecular Devices成像产品和应用经理Grischa Chandy博士说。"通过新的ImageXpress Nano系统和CellReporterXpress软件,我们将成像功能带给以前认为需要专业知识和成本成为自动化显微镜障碍的实验室。

ImageXpress Nano系统允许研究人员使用基于浏览器的CellReporterXpress软件在线访问他们的系统和数据。该软件预装了25种不同的检测模块和简单的线性工作流程,可帮助您快速入门并推动研究向前发展。

"我们继续投资于推进蛋白质和细胞生物学研究,将创新工具交到科学家手中,并打破新发现的障碍,"Molecular Devices总裁Greg Milosevich说。"该系统建立在我们过去两年在细胞成像领域推出的强大新产品系列的基础上,进一步证明了我们致力于将工具推向市场,使我们的客户摆脱繁琐的任务,并使他们能够更有效地进行协作。


Molecular Devices Launches ImageXpress Nano System and CellReporterXpress Software

Jun 15, 2017

ImageXpress Nano System makes automated imaging accessible for every lab conducting cellular imaging research

Sunnyvale, Calif. – June 15, 2017. Molecular Devices, LLC, a leader in protein and cell biology technologies, today announced the launch of its ImageXpress® Nano Automated Imaging System and CellReporterXpress Image Acquisition and Analysis Software. Based upon feedback from our clients and over 30 years of imaging expertise, we are excited to announce this cost effective automated imaging solution with remote acquisition and analysis capabilities.  The ImageXpress Nano system will enable researchers in Academia, Pharma and Biotech to get better data faster, build collaborations with peers - anywhere, anytime - thereby shortening project time.

“The research community has been driving increasingly towards quantitative analysis of cellular imaging data, but the tools have been out of reach both from a cost and ease-of-use perspective,” said Grischa Chandy, Ph.D., Imaging Products and Applications Manager at Molecular Devices. “With the new ImageXpress Nano system and CellReporterXpress software, we are bringing imaging capabilities to labs who previously considered the need for expertise and cost a barrier to automated microscopy.”

The ImageXpress Nano system allows researchers to access their system and data online with the browser-based CellReporterXpress Software. The software comes preloaded with 25 different assay modules and simple, linear workflows to get you started quickly and propel your research forward.

“We continue to invest in advancing protein and cell biology research, putting innovative tools in the hands of scientists and breaking down barriers to new discoveries,” said Greg Milosevich, President at Molecular Devices.  “This system builds on the strong family of new products we’ve introduced in the cellular imaging space in the past two years, further demonstrating our commitment to bring tools to market that free our customers from mundane tasks and allow them to collaborate more effectively.”

For more information, visit: moleculardevices.com/freedom


Molecular Devices于1983年在美国硅谷成立,于1987年推出其第一台微孔板读板机,自此,Molecular Devices通过其不懈的研发与合作,不断拓展其在生物分析检测系统中的解决方案。 Molecular Dev...


