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Tecan 推出具有实时细胞成像的 Spark 细胞板读取器

发布: 2019-06-30 10:39:47来源: 帝肯Tecan上海贸易有限公司

Tecan 推出具有实时细胞成像的 Spark 细胞板读取器

30 6月 2019


SLAS Europe 2019为Tecan提供了展示其Spark Cyto板读取器的跳板,提供生物、化学和物理事件的实时检测和分析。


Spark Cyto使用顶级相机组件和正在申请专利的LED自动对焦系统,为6至384孔格式提供实时数据采集和分析,确保不会错过任何关键事件。它允许将定性和定量信息集成到多参数数据集中,从而比以往更快地提供有意义的见解。凭借三个放大倍率水平和四个采集通道,只需一张图像即可捕获96孔或384孔微孔板的整个孔面积,从而可以研究整个细胞群,而不会出现平铺或失真。

SparkControl 和图像分析仪软件使操作员能够完全控制所有实验参数,并为常见细胞术应用提供预定义的方法。结合用户可编程的高级功能,例如用于自动执行动力学实验的实时实验控制,它旨在为基于细胞的研究开辟新的可能性。

Nerviano Medical Sciences细胞分析主管,Spark Cyto的早期用户Fabio Gasparri博士说:“该系统的自动细胞孵化和分析功能给我留下了深刻的印象。与专用的细胞培养箱方法相比,细胞以类似的倍增时间生长,甚至更加均匀。96孔板的全孔成像能力允许实时进行可重复的分析。

奥地利格拉茨大学分子药学教授Valery Bochkov博士对此表示赞同:“使用Spark Cyto进行细胞成像,酶测试和免疫测定,我们对该软件的直观性和易用性印象深刻。我们的文凭和博士生立即学会了如何使用Spark Cyto并获得高质量的结果。

Tecan unveils Spark Cyto plate reader with real-time image cytometry

30 Jun 2019

Tecan’s Spark Cyto plate reader

SLAS Europe 2019 provided the springboard for Tecan to showcase its Spark Cyto plate reader – offering real-time detection and analysis of biological, chemical and physical events.

Building on the success of the original Spark platform, the new product combines the flexibility of a high-end multimode plate reader with whole well imaging and comprehensive environmental control for cell-based assays.

Spark Cyto uses top-of-the-range camera components and a patent-pending LED autofocus system to provide real-time data acquisition and analysis – for 6- to 384-well formats – ensuring that no key event is missed. It allows qualitative and quantitative information to be integrated into multiparametric data sets, delivering meaningful insights faster than ever before. With three magnification levels and four acquisition channels, it enables entire cell populations to be investigated by capturing the whole well area of 96- or 384-well microplates in just one image, without tiling or distortion.

SparkControl and Image Analyzer software gives the operator complete control of all experimental parameters, with predefined methods for common cytometry applications. Together with user-programmable advanced features – such as Real Time Experimental Control for automatic performance of kinetic experiments – it is designed to unlock new possibilities for cell-based research.

Dr Fabio Gasparri, Head of Cell Assays at Nerviano Medical Sciences and an early user of Spark Cyto, said: “I was impressed by the system’s automated cell incubation and analysis capabilities. Cells were growing with a similar doubling times, and even more homogeneously, compared to a dedicated cell incubator approach. The whole well imaging capability for 96-well plates allowed reproducible analysis in real time.”

Dr Valery Bochkov, Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics at the University of Graz, Austria, agreed: “Using the Spark Cyto for cell imaging, enzymatic tests and immunoassays, we were impressed by how intuitive and easy to use the software is. Our diploma and PhD students instantly learned how to work with Spark Cyto and obtain high quality results.”


关于帝肯 瑞士Tecan(www.tecan.com)是一家全球领先的生物制药、法医和临床诊断实验室仪器和解决方案供应商,专业从事生命科学领域实验室自动化流程解决方案的研发、生产和销售。我们的客户包括:生物制药、高校科研单位、法医公...


