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Logos Biosystems 推出 CELENA® X 集成式高内涵成像系统

发布: 2018-10-09 09:48:21来源: 北京东胜创新生物科技有限公司

Logos Biosystems 推出 CELENA® X 集成式高内涵成像系统

赛琳娜® X

全新的CERON X集成式高内涵成像系统由Logos Biosystems推出,为快速高内涵图像采集和定量分析提供完整的解决方案。

新型CERON X在XYZ载物台的激光自动对焦和电动定位期间,可在四种模式下提供强大的数字成像功能,确保始终快速,可重复和丰富的图像。其功能范围从最简单的固定细胞测定到复杂的延时活细胞测定,非常适合高内涵分析。内置的 CELENA X Explorer 用户界面可为成像经验有限的科学家预先创建成像协议。

“我们很高兴将CERON X高内涵成像系统推向市场。它以大多数个人实验室预算范围内的实惠价格点开始,并可以选择升级以获得更高水平的性能,“Logos Biosystems美国区域总监Ana Kim说。

CELENA X与奥林巴斯和蔡司物镜兼容,具有可互换的硬涂层LED荧光滤光片和舞台孵育设施,可为一系列活细胞成像应用提供准确的生理和非生理条件。

然而,CELENA X的功能列表并不止于此,它还带有一个内置的Cell Analyzer软件,可以处理采集的图像和数据以进行定量分析,为各种实验方法提供统计上可靠的数据。该软件还可以进行定制,以创建用于高内涵分析的个性化工作流程。

可以设计和重复使用分析管道来检测细胞或亚细胞物体,处理图像以获得最佳数据收集效果,并进行各种测量。图像分析包括多种表型的分化,单个细胞和细胞器的形态测定以及靶标的空间分布。可以对每个电池进行多次测量。该图像分析可以直接在CELENA X上进行,也可以通过将CERON X细胞分析仪下载到个人计算机上远程完成。®®

凭借其灵活性,CELENA X可用于研究细胞功能,如细胞凋亡,自噬,增殖和迁移,以及细胞毒性,细胞活力和转染效率的研究。它是一种有价值的工具,具有捕获和计数固定细胞和活细胞中细胞信息的能力,这在生命科学研究,药物发现和开发中具有无可估量的价值。CELENA X还可用于识别细胞分布,对组织病理学活检进行成像,量化转染效率并评估药物的细胞毒性作用。

Logos Biosystems launches CELENA® X integrated High Content Imaging System

By MedTechAsia


The all new CELENA® X integrated High Content Imaging System was launched by Logos Biosystems, to give a complete solution for rapid high content image acquisition and quantitative analysis.

The new CELENA® X gives powerful digital imaging in four modes, during laser autofocusing and motorized positioning of the XYZ stage ensures fast, reproducible and rich images always. Its capabilities range from the simplest fixed cell assays to complicated, time-lapse live cell assays, perfect for high content analysis. The in-built CELENA® X Explorer user interface makes creating imaging protocols upfront for scientists with limited imaging experience.

“We are excited about introducing the CELENA® X High Content Imaging System to the market. It starts at an affordable price point within the reach of most individual labs’ budgets with the option to upgrade for higher levels of performance.” said Ana Kim, US Regional Director, Logos Biosystems.

Compatible with Olympus and Zeiss objectives, the CELENA® X, has interchangeable hard-coated LED fluorescence filters and the facility for on-stage incubation, letting accurate physiological and non-physiological conditions for a range of live cell imaging applications.

However, the list of CELENA® X’s capabilities doesn’t end there, it also comes with an inbuilt Cell Analyzer software that processes the acquired images and data for quantitative analysis, giving statistically robust data for a variety of experimental methodologies. The software can also be customized to create personalized workflows for high content analysis.

The analysis pipelines can be designed and reused to detect cellular or sub-cellular objects, process images for optimal data collection, and make various measurements. Image analysis includes differentiation of multiple phenotypes, determination of the morphology of individual cells and organelles and defining the spatial distribution of targets. Multiple measurements can be made for each cell. This image analysis can be done directly on the CELENA® X or distantly by downloading CELENA® X Cell Analyzer onto a personal computer.

With its flexibility, the CELENA® X, can be used for investigations into cell function, like, apoptosis, autophagy, proliferation, and migration, and studies of cytotoxicity, cell viability and transfection efficiency. It is a valuable tool, with the power to capture and count cellular information in fixed and live cells, which is invaluable in life science research, drug discovery and development. The CELENA® X can also be employed identify cell distribution, image histopathological biopsies, quantify transfection efficiency and assess the cytotoxic effects of drugs.


北京东胜创新生物科技有限公司是一家专注于生命科技领域的设备渠道商和技术服务商,公司成立于2002年4月,管理总部设在北京市海淀区中关村上地科技园。 东胜创新,致力于向用户提供国际一流的产品、最优化的解决方案和高品质的专业服务,承担起生物科...


