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布鲁克推出 Q4 TASMAN 系列2 高级火花 OES 金属分析仪‎

发布: 2020-11-27 14:37:07来源: 布鲁克衍射荧光事业部(AXS)

‎布鲁克推出 Q4 TASMAN 系列2 高级火花 OES 金属分析仪‎

‎德国卡尔斯鲁厄 — 2020 年 11 月 27 日 — 布鲁克今天宣布推出全新 Q4 TASMAN 系列 2,这是一款适用于金属行业的多功能高性能火花光发射光谱仪 (OES)。Q4 TASMAN 系列 2 扩展了布鲁克的台式 OES 系统系列,将可靠性和出色的分析性能与低拥有成本相结合。‎

Q4 TASMAN Series 2 – Ready-to-use benchtop metals analyzer

Q4 TASMAN系列 2 – 即用型台式金属分析仪‎

‎Q4 TASMAN 系列 2‎‎ 采用创新的双光学概念 ‎‎MultiVision‎‎™‎‎,允许在三种变体之间进行最佳选择,以满足个性化的分析需求。‎‎MultiVision‎‎ 的其他优点是,由于氩气消耗量低,可靠性更高,拥有成本更低。‎

‎数字火花源 ‎‎SmartSpark‎‎™‎‎ 的优化和对同轴氩气流设计的改进有助于提高分析精度、长期稳定性和缩短获得结果的时间。火花架上的气动驱动样品夹可确保轻松处理样品,并接受各种样品,以实现无忧操作。‎

‎Q4 TASMAN 系列 2‎‎ 的分析范围已扩展到许多元素,新的元素集可以分析新的合金类型。专用的分析解决方案包可用于所有十种常见金属基材,适用于整个金属市场。这些解决方案包括完整的元件组、校准、合金组和标准化样品。使用随时可分析的仪器,您可以从一开始就获得可靠和完整的分析结果。‎

‎下一代OES软件ELEMENTAL的新版本3‎‎。SUITE‎‎™‎‎ 提供高功能性和易用性。其强大的分析查看器提供了简单的分组和过滤功能。只需单击一下,即可将结果导出到LIMS或L2系统,生成报告和控制图等功能。通过查询最全面的材料数据库,可以访问来自超过75个国家的350,000多种合金。‎

‎布鲁克OES分析业务产品线经理Peter Paplewski博士评论道:“从我们的试点测试人员收到的反馈证实,‎‎Q4 TASMAN Series 2‎‎采用了ELEMENTAL。SUITE 比以往更快、更轻松、更具成本效益地实现目标。‎

‎有关 ‎‎Q4 塔斯曼系列 2 的更多信息‎‎,请访问 www.bruker.com/oes。‎



Bruker Launches the Q4 TASMAN™ Series 2 Advanced Spark-OES Metals Analyzer

KARLSRUHE, Germany – November 27, 2020 – Bruker today announces the launch of the new Q4 TASMAN™ Series 2, a versatile, high-performance spark-Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) for the metals industry. The Q4 TASMAN Series 2 extends Bruker’s line of benchtop OES systems, combining reliability and outstanding analytical performance with low cost of ownership.

Q4 TASMAN Series 2 – Ready-to-use benchtop metals analyzer

Q4 TASMAN Series 2 – Ready-to-use benchtop metals analyzer

The Q4 TASMAN Series 2 employs MultiVision™, the innovative dual optics concept, allowing the optimal choice between three variants to fulfill individual analytical needs. Additional benefits of MultiVision are increased reliability and reduced cost of ownership due to low argon gas consumption.

Optimizations of the digital spark source SmartSpark™ and improvements to the coaxial argon flow design contribute to improved analytical precision, long-term stability, and shorter time-to-result. The pneumatically driven sample clamp on the spark stand ensures easy sample handling and accepts a wide sample variety for hassle-free operation.

The analytical range of the Q4 TASMAN Series 2 has been extended for many elements, and new element sets enable the analysis of new alloy types. Dedicated analytical solution packages are available for all ten common metal bases addressing the entire metals market. These solutions include full element sets, calibrations, alloy groups, and standardization samples. With the ready-to-analyze instrument, you achieve reliable and complete analytical results right from the start.

The new version 3 of the next generation OES software ELEMENTAL.SUITE™ delivers high functionality with ease of use. Its powerful analysis viewer provides easy grouping and filtering capabilities. Features like export of results to LIMS or L2 systems, report generation, and generation of control charts are only one click away. Queries to the most comprehensive materials database give access to more than 350,000 alloys from more than 75 countries.

Dr. Peter Paplewski, Product Line Manager for Bruker’s OES analysis business, commented: “The feedback received from our pilot testers confirms that the Q4 TASMAN Series 2 with ELEMENTAL.SUITE achieves goals faster, easier, and more cost-effectively than ever before.”

For more information about the Q4 TASMAN Series 2, please visit www.bruker.com/oes.

About Bruker Corporation

Bruker is enabling scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker’s high-performance scientific instruments and high-value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular and microscopic levels. In close cooperation with our customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, improved productivity and customer success in life science molecular research, in applied and pharma applications, in microscopy and nano analysis, and in industrial applications, as well as in cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics and proteomics research and clinical microbiology.


布鲁克AXS有限公司(BRUKER AXS GMBH)是全球领先的专业研制生产X射线分析仪器的跨国企业,已有80多年历史,前身为西门子公司X射线仪器部。主要产品有:X射线荧光光谱仪、多晶X射线衍射仪、单晶X射线衍射仪、小角散射装置等。仪器...


