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布鲁克在 2018 年欧洲 SLAS 大会上推出新型 Sierra™ SPR-32 高性能表面等离子体共振系统

发布: 2018-06-28 09:26:50来源: 美国布鲁克道尔顿公司(Bruker Daltonic Inc.)

布鲁克在 2018 年欧洲 SLAS 大会上推出新型 Sierra™ SPR-32 高性能表面等离子体共振系统

Sierra SPR-32 结合了最高的 SPR 通量和出色的灵敏度

布鲁塞尔2018年6月28日电 /美通社/ -- 在2018年欧洲SLAS 会议(www.slaseurope2018.org)上,布鲁克今天宣布推出其新的Sierra SPR-32,具有更高灵敏度的系统和新的仪器控制软件,可实现最高的 SPR 通量和出色的灵敏度。


Sierra SPR-32 由其新的触摸兼容 R3 软件提供支持,具有创新的新功能,如“帧注入”,并允许与制药客户一起创建交钥匙样品处理协议和定制工作流程。更快的数据分析和高度直观的用户界面相结合,可提供行业领先的 SPR 通量,可进行 10,000 次控制替代结合测量。将灵活的 8 针样品输送与分布在 8 个检测流通池中的 32 个传感器检测阵列相结合,每个流通池可配备 4 个传感器,这是受控高通量 SPR 方法的重要优势。获得专利的流体动力学分离™技术可实现“任何样品、任何传感器、任何时间”,使其成为制药应用中筛选、动力学、热力学和表位作图的首选平台。

布鲁克全球SPR销售总监Christopher Whalen表示:“新的R3软件具有专有的非线性检测算法和新的数据处理引擎,使Sierra SPR-32更快,更灵敏。我们的每通道四传感器设计提供了最大的控制分析灵活性,即使是最复杂的分析也能实现良好的通量。样品可以在有源传感器上同时分析,最多可使用三个对照进行检测。在许多SPR应用中,早期分析与基质蛋白(如HSA或BSA)的非特异性结合可能至关重要。与两个传感器流通池相比,额外的在线控制不仅使所需的分析周期数减半,而且还可以通过消除多个样品制备之间的潜在差异来提高数据质量。

布鲁克道尔顿小分子制药业务总监Meike Hamester博士评论道:“以新型Sierra SPR-32为代表的无标记检测技术的互补性,以及布鲁克的NMR核磁共振MALDI PharmaPulse用于药物发现的质谱解决方案,有助于以更低的成本设计有效且更安全的药物。提高命中到先导物的鉴定速度有所帮助,但使用液相无标记技术提高对结构与结合动力学关系的理解,将大大有助于更快地将新的化学实体带入临床试验。



Bruker Launches New Sierra™ SPR-32 High-Performance Surface Plasmon Resonance System at SLAS Europe 2018

Sierra SPR-32 Combines Highest SPR Throughput and Outstanding Sensitivity

BRUSSELS, June 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- At the European SLAS 2018 meeting (www.slaseurope2018.org), Bruker today announced the launch of its new SierraTM SPR-32 system with even higher sensitivity and new instrument control software to enable highest SPR throughput with outstanding sensitivity.

Powered by its new touch-compatible R3 software, the Sierra SPR-32 has innovative new features like 'Frame Inject' and allowing for turn-key sample processing protocols and customized workflows created together with pharmaceutical customers.  The faster data analysis and highly intuitive user interface combine to deliver an industry-leading SPR throughput of 10,000 control-substracted binding measurements. Combining flexible 8-needle sample delivery with a 32-sensor detection array laid out in 8 detection flow cells, enables 4 sensors per flow cell, an important advantage for controlled, high-throughput SPR methods. The patented Hydrodynamic Isolation™ technology enables 'Any Sample, Any Sensor, Any Time', making it the preferred platform for screening, kinetics, thermodynamics and epitope mapping for pharmaceutical applications.

Christopher Whalen, Bruker Director of Global SPR Sales, said: "The new R3 software with the proprietary non-linear detection algorithm and new data processing engine, makes the Sierra SPR-32 even faster and even more sensitive. Our four-sensor per channel design provides maximum control analysis flexibility, enabling good throughput for even the most complex analyses. Samples can be simultaneously assayed on the active sensor and with up to three controls. In many SPR applications the early analysis of non-specific binding to matrix proteins such as HSA or BSA can be critical. The additional inline control not only halves the number of assay cycles required vs. two sensor flow cells, but it can also improve data quality by eliminating potential variations between multiple sample preparations."

Dr. Meike Hamester, the Bruker Daltonics Director - Small Molecule Pharma Business, commented: "The complementary nature of label-free detection technologies represented by the new Sierra SPR-32, and Bruker's NMR and MALDI PharmaPulseTM mass spectrometry solutions for drug discovery can help in the design of efficacious and safer drugs at lower cost. Improving the hit-to-lead identification speed helps, but improving the understanding of the relationship of structure to binding kinetics using liquid phase, label-free techniques, will go a long way in taking new chemical entities to clinical trials faster."

About Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR)

Bruker is enabling scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker's high-performance scientific instruments and high-value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular and microscopic levels. In close cooperation with our customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, improved productivity and customer success in life science molecular research, in applied and pharma applications, in microscopy and nanoanalysis, and in industrial applications, as well as in cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics and proteomics research and clinical microbiology. For more information, please visit: www.bruker.com.


布鲁克•道尔顿公司是由在纳斯达克上市(NASDAQ:BRKR)的布鲁克生物科技公司(Bruker BioSciences Corporation)控股经营的一个子公司,专门开发和提供基于质谱的创新性生命科学研究工具,是业界的领先...


