
浙江大学  求是特聘教授





目前担任中国化学会分析化学学科委员会委员、中国化学会色谱专业委员会委员、中国微米纳米技术学会理事、中国机械工程学会生物制造工程分会委员、组织器官芯片专业委员会副主任委员。担任国际分析化学期刊 “Talanta”副主编,“Analytica Chimica Acta”、“Analyst”和“Lab on a Chip”编委。2015年3月入选英国皇家化学会会士(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC)。还担任国内分析化学期刊“分析化学”、“色谱”、“分析科学学报”、“化学传感器”、“光谱学与光谱分析”的编委。曾担任2012年全国微-纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议和第七届全国微全分析系统学术会议组委会主席;2013年第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微-纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议(International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems, ISMM)共同会议主席;2015年第19届国际微全分析系统会议(19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2015)共同会议副主席;2016年首届液滴微流控学国际学术研讨会(Lab on a Chip Symposium: Droplet-based Microfluidics)主席;还将担任将于2022年在中国杭州召开的第26届国际微全分析系统会议(26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2021)会议主席。

Qun Fang is a Qiushi Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Zhejiang University, and the Director of the Institute of Microanalytical Systems in the Department of Chemistry. He received his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical analysis from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in 1998. His research interests include microfluidic analysis and screening, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis, and miniaturized analytical instruments, as well as applications of microfluidic systems in single-cell multi-omics analysis, microscale biochemical analysis and cell assay, drug screening, and point-of-care testing. He has published more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in these areas, and has 31 patents issued in the area of microfluidics. He is the recipient of the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (2008) and the Liang Shu-Quan Award for Fundamental Research in Analytical Chemistry by Chinese Chemical Society (2015).
