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电动层析显微粒子成像测速PIV-MitasFlowMaster-Mitas粒子测速仪 对流离子风对热传导的增强效应

参考报价: 面议 型号: FlowMaster-Mitas
品牌: LaVision 产地: 暂无
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The increasing complexity of electronic devices and components challenges
conventional cooling techniques. For continued development in the electronics field,
innovative cooling techniques are required. This thesis examines heat transfer
enhancement of a heated plate experiencing low-velocity forced convection. A wire-torod
corona discharge electrode configuration was used to generate a counter-flow ionic
wind so as to direct the bulk gas flow in such a manner as to induce hot spot cooling.
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) studies were conducted to profile the interaction
between the bulk flow and counter-flow ionic wind and show how the hydrodynamic
interactions result in a downward flow towards the heated surface and characteristic
recirculation zones. This impingement-like effect enhanced the convection cooling of
the heated plate, reducing the temperature by as much as 5 K. Convection coefficient
was enhanced by up to 36% in the heat transfer experiments. In the PIV experiments,seeding particles were used to obtain the fluid flow profile. As corona discharge creates
a charged environment, seeding particles may get charged, and this may result in
deviation from fluid flow due to Coulombic forces on the particles. To ensure the fidelity
of the PIV results in these experiments, a simplified particle tracking analysis was
conducted, solving the modified Basset-Boussinesq-Oseen (BBO) equation for particle
motion and including charging and electric field effects to simulate the effects of corona
discharge. The results obtained from these simulations were used to affirm the validity
of the PIV results.

          FlowMaster MITAS激光图像系统由一个三轴驱动显微位移平台构成,该平台拥有一个高性能的控制器并且装备了一个精度很高的显微物镜。在标准的应用中使用了一个小型的二极管泵浦固体激光器(DPSS)作为脉冲光源以及通用跨帧多曝光CCD相机。内置了同步控制单元的系统计算机负责控制整个激光图像系统。LaVision的模块化DaVis软件用以进行高级的图像采集和数据分析工作。xyz (调焦)三坐标位移台可以用一个游戏杆进行手动操作,也可以通过DaVis软件中的控制管理器进行操作。管理器中有一个包含许多位置信息的列表,每一个位置信息都可以被添加、编辑和删除。方便的可重复定位的特性保证了系统在每次操作以后,比如更换透镜以后都可以定位到原来的操作位置。激光通过一根光纤传导到显微位移平台上。一个内置的导航发光二极管用以帮助进行目标聚焦调节。其中的光波滤波模块盒可以随时更换以适应不同入射和散射波长的光信号分离。
 4.标配CCD相机灵敏度:65 % @500 nm
 5.标配CCD相机分辨率:1376 x1040 像素

  位移数据  行程  分辨率  精度
  X-轴平移  120nn  0.05um  +/-3um
  y-轴平移  120mm  0.05um  +/-3um
  z-轴聚焦  20mm  0.05um  +/-3um
  样品台开口  84x70mm      

电动层析显微粒子成像测速PIV-MitasFlowMaster-Mitas粒子测速仪 对流离子风对热传导的增强效应信息由北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于电动层析显微粒子成像测速PIV-MitasFlowMaster-Mitas粒子测速仪 对流离子风对热传导的增强效应报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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