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为了庆祝岛津制作所创业140周年,岛津在“逐梦科学140载 厚积薄发 共创未来”......


发布时间: 2016-03-23 15:03 来源: 岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司/岛津(香港)有限公司
领域: 空气/废气

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  Identifcation of components causing off-favor requires experience and knowledge. The GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer includes a database containing parameters required for analysis and information (such as types and threshold values) about primary components that cause off-favor. As a result, even less experienced analysts can use the system to easily start analyzing off-favor components. This report introduces a case where we analyzed a packaged food product with a complaint about an off-favor using a GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer. We were able to narrow down the substances that may have caused the off-favor to four components by comparing the questionable product to the normal product. We also checked the off-favor with a sniffer using sensory information contained in the GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer and successfully identifed that the off-favor was caused by anisoles. To ascertain the cause of the off-favor, we separately measured each part of the product (package and food parts) and compared the concentration of anisoles. Results show that the package contained a higher concentration of anisoles, which caused the off-favor. The system is expected to be used to identify the causes of off-favors in foods, containers, and packages.

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