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美国TA仪器Discovery DSC2500/250/25DSC/DTA 适用于分析

参考报价: 面议 型号: Discovery DSC2500/250/25
品牌: TA仪器 产地: 美国
关注度: 274 信息完整度:
样本: 典型用户: 暂无
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可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂?

美国TA仪器DSC/DTADiscovery DSC2500/250/25可用于测定材料,适用于分析项目。并且参考多项行业标准差示扫描量热仪。可应用于高分子材料行业领域。

Since the introduction of the first commercial (temperature servo) device for quantitatively measuring heat flow into (or out of) a sample as it undergoes a transition, there has been considerable confusion about what name should be used to describe this analytical measurement (1). A wide variety of labels has been applied including Quantitative Differential Thermal Analysis (QDTA) (1,2,3), Dynamic Differential Calorimetry (DDC), Dynamic Enthalpic Analysis (DEA) and, of course, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). DSC has been the most accepted name largely because instrument manufacturers have used the term. With the introduction of other commercial devices, which also measure differential heat flow but are not based on the temperature servo approach , the confusion has increased. This confusion has been aggravated by the instrument manufacturers themselves who have often claimed unspecified advantages for their particular instrument. The manufacturer of the original commercial device, understandably, has attempted to limit the DSC definition exclusively to his design. He continues to claim that his instrument is the only “true DSC”.

TA仪器诚邀您体验卓越的差示扫描量热仪(DSC)系列,Discovery 2500,Discovery 250和Discovery 25。探索先进的工程技术和对细节的关注,提高了DSC各方面的技术,让用户的体验水平达到了一个新的高度。从拥有行业领先性能的经济高效DSC到技术全面领先的DSC,Discovery DSC不仅能满足您的需求,更超越您的期待。



  • 具有专利技术的全新融合量热单元让Discovery DSC的基线平直度、准确度、分辨率、重复性和可靠性方面具有无可比拟的性能

  • 独有的T4P Tzero热流技术使DSC具有最佳的性能,并且是唯一具有在单次实验运行中直接测量并储存比热的功能

  • 创新性的APP式触摸屏让仪器实现了简单的一件触碰功能,提高了可用性,比之前的DSC更易于获得满意的数据

  • 可靠的线性自动进样器,可编程的托盘位置可以实现24/7的无忧操作,最灵活的实验编程,和自动校准及验证程序。

  • 调制DSC(MDSC)可以实现复杂热现象的有效分离

  • 最宽范围的机械制冷附件选项,可以减少液氮的开支,扩展自动进样器可以保证不间断进行低温作业

  • Tzero压样器和盘,可以实现快速、简单和可重复的样品制备

  • TA仪器是行业内唯一一家对测试炉承诺5年质保的供应商


美国TA仪器Discovery DSC2500/250/25DSC/DTA 适用于分析信息由TA仪器为您提供,如您想了解更多关于美国TA仪器Discovery DSC2500/250/25DSC/DTA 适用于分析报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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