分析测试百科网 > TA仪器 > 应用文献
  • 解释DSC实验结果中的意外结果和事件 发布时间:2016-03-30
    The purpose of this paper is to assist DSC users with interpretation of unusual or unexpected transitions in DSC results. The transitions discussed in
  • 差示扫描量热法的通用一例 发布时间:2016-03-30
    Since the introduction of the first commercial (temperature servo) device for quantitatively measuring heat flow into (or out of) a sample as it under
  • DSC的动力学方法回顾 发布时间:2016-03-30
    Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is used to measure heat flow into or out of a sample as it is exposed to a controlled thermal profile. DSC pro
  • 塑料薄膜的拉伸模量 发布时间:2016-03-30
    In this study the tensile stress/strain behavior of various consumer plastic thin film materials was measured using a low mass mechanical analyzer. Fi
  • 采用压力DSC对于油脂的氧化稳态测试的新进展 发布时间:2016-03-29
    Most military’s greases are formulated for use in severe service environments and multipurpose applications. To meet these requirements, the specifica
  • 运用热分析有效地控制产品质量 发布时间:2016-03-29
    Manufactures have been listening. In growing numbers, they have been hearing the rising voices of dissatisfied customers, outspoken consumer advocates
  • DSC表征蛋白质稳定性 发布时间:2016-03-29
    DSC is the most direct and sensitive approach for characterizing the thermodynamic parameters controlling noncovalent bond formation (and therefore st
  • 控制应力流变仪在不同温度下表征油脂的结构和屈服应力 发布时间:2016-03-29
    Greases are important lubricating systems that are very interesting to a rheologist since they often exhibit strongly time-dependent behavior [thixotr
  • 了解热固性材料的流变学 发布时间:2016-03-29
    Thermoset polymers form the matrix in filled plastics and fiberreinforced composites used in a diversity of products. These range from consumer items
  • 高分子的蠕变与回复测试 发布时间:2016-03-29
    Creep recovery measurements on anionically polymerized polystyrenes and commercial low density polyethylene have been performed with a new magnetic be
  • 紫外可见光固化材料的流变研究 发布时间:2016-03-28
    The challenge for studying fast changing systems with rheology such as UV initiated polymerization and crosslinking is multifold. These materials reac
  • 震荡数据的测量和分析 发布时间:2016-03-28
    In an oscillation shear experiment, the material is subjected to either a sinusoidal strain or stress and the corresponding response is measured. The
  • 利用等温微量热仪研究食品微生物的代谢能量 发布时间:2016-03-28
  • 通过量热法表征膜蛋白质和多肽 发布时间:2016-03-22
    Although membrane proteins are very difficult to work with, ultra-sensitive calorimetry can over-come the limitations of many other physical character
  • 流变仪在涂料和油漆中的应用 发布时间:2016-03-22
    Waterborne coatings do not have a priori, the same advantageous rheological properties as solvent-based coatings. If not formulated correctly, they ar
  • 了解热塑性材料的流变学 发布时间:2016-03-22
    Rheological testing of thermoplastic materials can be performed on both solid samples and on melts. This is important because the choice of material f
  • 了解结构流体流变学 发布时间:2016-03-22
    Fluid materials, by definition, are systems which flow when subjected to stress. How they respond to an input stress is the heart of rheological testi
  • 热分析在薄膜涂料表征中的应用 发布时间:2016-03-21
    The simple yet highly sophisticatd character of these instruments has a major drawback: their simplicity significantly increases the potential foor mi
  • 通过微量热法测试自燃倾向 发布时间:2016-02-29
    Materials such as coals, coal products (e.g., chars, briguettes) and activated carbons are a self-heating hazard in storage and transportation. Accord
  • 药物稳定性的表征 发布时间:2016-02-29
    The shelf life of a pharmaceutical depends ultimately on the stability of the active pharmaceutical ingredient in the formulation. The most common met
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