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玉研仪器 气溶胶采样器

参考报价: 面议 型号: 气溶胶采样器
品牌: 玉研仪器 产地: 上海
关注度: 147 信息完整度:
样本: 典型用户: 暂无
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可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂?

气溶胶采样器是一种高效的玻璃制收集装置,与大流量负压泵配合使用,将生物气溶胶收集到液体中保持很大限度的生物活性 ,也可捕获空气中的微生物进行分析。



· 适用于空气传播的细菌、真菌、花粉、病毒、内毒素、真菌毒素和其它碎片

· 用优质玻璃制成-可高压灭菌,可重复使用

· 克服了撞击式采样器采样问题

· 三个切向喷嘴以特定角度喷射粒子到内壁,从而减少了颗粒反弹并保持了微生物的完整性

· 旋旋流液体收集方法很大程度上减少再气溶胶化,温和地夹带生物气溶胶,以保持生物活性

· 可使用粘度高于水的非挥发收集液,例如:ViaTrap®矿物油等

· 与 ViaTrap® 矿物油一起使用时,采集效率在 8 小时的采样期内保持恒定

· 采集的样品适用生长培养、显微镜计数、生化分析、免疫分析、聚合酶链反应(PCR)等





1. Macher, J.M., et al., “Sampling Airborne Microorganisms and Aeroallergens,” Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants, 8th ed., ACGIH, 1995, pp. 589-617

2. Macher, J.M., “Evaluation of Bioaerosol Sampler Performance,” Applied Occupational Environmental Hygiene, 12, 1997, pp. 730-736

3. Butt ner, M.P., et al., “Sampling and Analysis of Airborne Microorganisms,” Manual of Environmental Microbiology, ASM Press, Washington, DC, 1997, pp. 629-640

4. Lin, X., et al., “Eff ect of Sampling Time on the Collection Effi ciency of All-Glass Impingers,” Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Journal, 58, 1997, pp. 480-488

5. Willeke, K., et al., “Improved Aerosol Collection by Combined Impaction and Centrifugal Motion,” Aerosol Science and Technology, 29 (5), 1998, pp. 439-456

6. Lin, X., et al., “Long Term Sampling of Airborne Bacteria and Fungi into a Non-Evaporating Liquid,” Atmospheric Environment, 1999, pp. 4291-4298

7. Lin, X., et al., “Survival of Airborne Microorganisms during Swirling Aerosol Collection,” Aerosol Science and Technology, 32 (3), 2000, pp. 184-196

8. Willeke, K., and Macher, J. M., “Air Sampling,” Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control, 1999, pp. 11-1 to 11-25

9. Reponen, T., et al., Biological Particle Sampling. Aerosol Measurement, Principles, Techniques, and Applications, John Wiley & Johns, Inc, 2001, pp. 751-777

10. Rule, A. M., et al., “Application of Flow Cytometry for the Assessment of Preservation and Recovery Effi ciency of Bioaerosol Samplers Spiked with Pantoea agglomerans,” Environmental Science and Technology, 41 (7), 2007, pp. 2467-2472

11. Nevalainen, A., et al., Bioaerosol Sampling: Aerosol Measurement Principles, Techniques, and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993, pp. 471-492

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