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QTRAP 6500+ 三重四极杆-线性离子阱复合质谱系统

tel: 400-6699-117 8888

SCIEX液质联用仪, 极性切换只需5毫秒,定量性能更好,对UHPLC的速度更兼容......

【技术特点】-- QTRAP 6500+ 三重四极杆-线性离子阱复合质谱系统

QTRAP® 6500+ 系统


QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS 系统采用多组分 IonDrive™ 技术并利用全新设计的 IonDrive 高能检测器+ 提升性能,推动 LC-MS/MS 定量分析突破极限。这些技术升级带来革命性的灵敏度、速度和性能。无论您分析的化合物质量是高是低,极性是正是负,均能体验到这些显著优势。只需一次进样,就能得到高灵敏度的可靠分析数据。

QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS 系统优势:

  • 能够分析要求zei严苛的基质中范围zei广泛的化合物,并提高信噪比和 LOQ

  • 高达 6 个数量级的检测器动态范围,扩大应用范围

  • 极性切换仅需 5 毫秒,提高分析通量

  • 质荷比上限达到 2000,且丝毫无损于质量范围

  • 扫描速度高达 20,000 Da/秒,能实现zei优 UHPLC 策略

  • 与zei新 SelexION+ 差分离子淌度技术兼容,通过改善离子淌度性能实现选择性提升,同时不用牺牲 LOQ

  • 减少噪音,打造安静的工作环境

凭借成熟的 线性加速器™ 离子阱技术,QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS 系统能够通过独特的强大工作流程将分析结果的可靠性提升到新高度。QTRAP 技术能够提升灵敏度和选择性,众多重要应用(大分子和小分子生物分析、全面的食品残留监控、重点环境污染检测、生物标记物验证和复杂基质中的法医毒(药)筛查等)均能由此受益。

利用高达 20,000 Da/秒的扫描速度,以及增强的子离子扫描、第二代 MRM (MRM3) 等工作流程补充功能,您能够让分析速度超越 MRM 检测速度,从而支持两种方法开发应用并提升日常筛查的可选择性。

全局掌控每个 MRM 的 MS/MS

6500+ 系列提供的 MRM 灵敏度能满足您进行定量分析的需求,并且相较于基本三重四级杆质谱仪,全扫描灵敏度提升 100 倍。通过将三重四级杆和线性离子阱扫描功能相结合,6500+ 系列能够通过增强型子离子和能提供明确鉴定结果的完整 MS/MS 分析对灵敏的 MRM 检测予以补充,从而提供无与伦比的可靠性。


图 1.除了 MRM 之外,QTRAP 技术还支持采集高质量 MS/MS 谱图,从而通过图谱库比较提升化合物鉴定的置信度。此图显示了为鉴定黄瓜霜霉威含量而采集的 MS/MS 数据的图谱库比较结果。

MRM3 – 无干扰的一代定量分析工作流程

较强的背景干扰或棘手的共洗脱干扰会给基于标准 MRM 的定量分析工作流程带来麻烦,MRM3 工作流程则能在这些环境中提供更高的定量分析选择性。这类高选择性工作流程不仅有助于对复杂基质进行定量分析,而且也有助于避免使用耗费人力的色谱法。多组分 IonDrive™ 技术能够提高 MRM3 分析速度,从而让此高选择性工作流程成为 UHPLC 时间尺度的理想之选。

图 2.与单独使用 MRM 工作流程相比,MRM3 工作流程的特异性往往更高,因此在分析复杂基质时能提供更好的 LLOQ,如此图所示。图中显示了已消化的人血浆中的重标记肽 DRVYIHP。

增强的 IonDrive 技术 – 挑战灵敏度极限:QTRAP 6500+ 系列仍然采用 IonDrive 技术。该技术同时给 6500+ 系列带来三项重要改进,能够大幅提升性能和实现无与伦比的灵敏度:

  • 通过全新设计的 IonDrive TurboV 离子源提高离子化效率

  • 通过独特的 IonDrive QJet 离子导向器捕获和传输更多离子

  • 通过全新的 IonDrive 高能检测器+ 检测更多离子

图 3.通过采用重新设计、带来大幅性能提升的 IonDrive 高能检测器+,IonDrive 技术主要推动在 3 个主要方面实现zei佳性能。

产生更多离子:新一代 IonDrive Turbo V 离子源使用增强的气流动力学和优化的加热器配置提高了离子化效率以及系统的可靠性、重现性和耐用性。IonDrive Turbo V 离子源使用可快速更换的大气压化学电离 (APCI) 离子源、TurboIonSpray 探针和用于微流 UHPLC 应用的低扩散电极。IonDrive Turbo V 离子源的流速范围为 5 µL/分钟到 3mL/分钟,与窄孔径柱、标准孔径柱和 UHPLC 流速完美匹配。

聚焦和传输更多离子:重新优化的 IonDrive QJet 导向器通过多级设计改善了离子容量和碰撞聚焦,可以更有效地捕获和聚焦离子。第一级的内部半径更大,因而能够捕获更多离子;第二级的内部半径较窄,能够提高离子进入 Q0 的传输效率。这种新设计能够大大增加进入分析器的离子量。

检测更多离子:全新的 IonDrive 高能检测器+ 采用先进的浮动设计,能够以更高灵敏度检测范围更广的化合物,包括检测在负离子模式电离中质量较低的化合物并支持超快速度极性切换,从而在每次进样中均能更全面地检测化合物。





The QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS System featuring the multi-component IonDrive™ Technology and enhanced with a newly designed IonDrive High Energy Detector+ pushes the boundaries of LC-MS/MS quantitation farther than ever before. The revolutionary sensitivity, speed, and performance delivered through these technology enhancements are designed so you can see it all, from low mass to high mass compounds, in positive or negative polarity – in a single injection, with high sensitivity, reliability, and confidence.

QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS System advantages系统优势:

Signal-to-noise and LOQ improvements delivered for the widest scope of chemical compounds in the most challenging matrices


Up to 6 orders of detector dynamic range for enhanced breadth of applications


Increased throughput with polarity switching speeds of 5 msec


No compromise in mass range with a 2000 m/z upper mass limit

2,000 m/z的质量上限,没有妥协

Scan speeds of up to 20,000 Da/second for optimized UHPLC strategies

扫描速度高达20,000 Da/秒,可对UHPLC分离优化

Compatibility with the new SelexION+ Differential Ion Mobility Technology with improved ion transmission for added selectivity without compromising LOQs

兼容于新的 SelexION+差分离子淌度技术,提高离子传输,增加选择性,对LOQ定量限不妥协

Reduced audible noise for a quieter working environment


Driven by proven Linear Accelerator™ Trap technology, the QTRAP 6500+ LC-MS/MS System enables powerful, unique workflows that deliver a new level of confidence in your analyses. Key applications in small and large molecule bioanalysis, comprehensive food residue monitoring, priority environmental contaminant detection, biomarker verification, and forensic drug screening in complex matrices will benefit from the added sensitivity and selectivity provided by QTRAP technology.

With scan speeds of 20,000 Da/s and supplemental workflow capabilities including enhanced product ion scanning, second generation MRM (MRM3), and others, you can accelerate your analyses beyond MRM detection to support both method development applications and enhance selectivity in routine screening.

See the full MS/MS picture for every MRM

The 6500+ Series delivers the MRM sensitivity you need for quantitation, with added 100X increase in full-scan sensitivity over basic triple quads. The combined Triple Quad and Linear Ion Trap scan functions provide unrivaled levels of confidence by complementing sensitive MRM detection with enhanced product ion, complete MS/MS profiles for unequivocal identification.

Verify the identity of low-level contaminants to resolve ambiguity that might be presented from complex food, environmental, or forensic matrices.

Figure 1. QTRAP technology enables collection of high quality MS/MS spectra in addition to MRMs to enable library comparisons for better confidence in compound identification. Shown here the library comparison of MS/MS data collected for Propamocarb in cucumber.

MRM3 – A generation of quantitation without interferences

MRM3 workflows provide enhanced quantitative selectivity when high background or challenging co-eluting interferences make standard MRM-based quantitation difficult. This type of higher-selectivity workflow can facilitate the quantitation in complex matrices and help avoid the need for labor-intensive chromatography methods. The multi-component IonDrive™ Technology provides newly-added enhancements in the speed of MRM3 analysis, making this selectivity workflow ideal for UHPLC time scales.

Figure 2. The MRM3 workflow can often provide higher specificity and therefore better LLOQs in complex matrices over MRM workflow alone, as shown here for the heavy labeled peptide DRVYIHP in digested human plasma.

Enhanced IonDrive Technology – pushing the sensitivity barrier: The QTRAP 6500+ Series continues to build on the patented IonDrive Technology, simultaneously targeting three critical areas of enhancements in the 6500+ Series, ruggedly driving performance improvements and unrivaled sensitivity:

  • The production of more ions with the newly-designed IonDrive TurboV Source

  • The capture and transmission of more ions with the unique IonDrive QJet Guide

  • The detection of more ions with the new IonDrive High Energy Detector+

Figure 3. IonDrive technology drives performance in 3 key areas, catapulted by the enhanced performance of the newly redesigned IonDrive High Energy Detector+.

Produce more ions: The next generation IonDrive Turbo V Source increases ion production using enhanced, gas-flow dynamics and optimized heater configurations while improving reliability, reproducibility, and robustness. The IonDrive Turbo V Source maintains the quick-change atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and TurboIonSpray Probes as well as the low-dispersion electrodes for use with micro-flow UHPLC applications. From 5 µL/min to 3mL/min, the IonDrive TurboV Source is the perfect match for narrow bore, standard bore, and UHPLC flow rates.

Focus and transmit more ions: The patented and re-optimized IonDrive QJet Guide improves ion containment and collisional focusing through a dual-stage design that captures and focuses ions with incredible efficiency. With a larger internal radius in the first stage that improves the capture of ions and a narrower internal radius on the second stage that increases the ion transmission efficiency into Q0, the new design is able to introduce many more ions into the analyzer.

Detect more ions: The new IonDrive High Energy Detector+ boasts a floated design to enhance sensitivity for detection of a wider range of compounds, including those at low masses in negative mode ionization, and enabling ultra-fast polarity switching for more comprehensive compoun

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- QTRAP 6500+ 三重四极杆-线性离子阱复合质谱系统

【典型应用举例】-- QTRAP 6500+ 三重四极杆-线性离子阱复合质谱系统


地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥中路24号院 1号楼 5层

电话:400-6699-117 转8888




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