实验方法> 免疫学技术> 抗体抗原实验>Cell-Based Arrays for the Identification of Interacting Polypeptide Domains or Epitopes

Cell-Based Arrays for the Identification of Interacting Polypeptide Domains or Epitopes

关键词: cell-based arrays identification来源: 互联网
The specific regions on proteins which are responsible for protein–protein interaction are called interacting domains, or epitopes in case of antigen–antibody binding. These domains are one feature to characterize proteins and are important in clinical diagnostics and research. For the mapping of such domains the use of protein/peptide arrays has become popular. Regardless of which kind of array, the major requirements are a high number of candidates arranged in the array, high quality, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. Here, the authors describe a general protocol for mapping the interacting domains of proteins demonstrated by a high affinity protein interaction, the interaction of an antibody to an antigen. The chapter describes a stepwise protocol from library production to the verification of the domain by the use of an automated cell-based polypeptide array, which comprises the named requirements of a good array.

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