








布鲁克推出新一代超高灵敏度离子阱质谱amaZon 重新定义离子阱质谱性能



  布鲁克.道尔顿公司今天发布新一代超高灵敏度的amaZon离子阱系列质谱。比现有平台提高了10倍的MS/MS灵敏度,新型的技术可以加速数据采集速度,显著提高质量分辨率,第二代快速灵敏的ETD/PTR 能力,成为最高性能的离子阱,可获得无与伦比的数据质量,和应用于广泛范围的超强的灵活性。

  amaZon建立在Bruker公司长期的离子阱技术之上,提高了在以下研究领域的能力:从下至上(bottom-up)的蛋白质组学、高通量和超高灵敏度翻译后修饰分析、代谢组学、化学物筛选及鉴定,化学和结构的精细分析。amaZon系列现在有两个版本:用于蛋白质组学的amaZon ETD,和用于小分子等应用领域的amaZon X。



      无与伦比的高达52,000 u/秒的扫描能力,和更高的分辨率,适用于UPLC应用,并在数据依赖(data-dependent )的MS/MS和MSn实验中具有最快的duty cycle(谱图采集时间)

      在50~3000 amu全扫描模式下可获得20,000的分辨率:合并了BrukerZL的峰识别(peak recognition)技术SNAP II™后,amaZon甚至对于ETD/PTR碎片谱中带多电荷的离子也能提供同位素峰的分辨,可高确定地测定它们的单同位素质量


      零延迟的高速离子极性切换,而不降低灵敏度,不增加时间。在两种极性下均可获得高达20 Hz的谱图采集速度,是同UHPLC超快速液相分离联用的理想选择。amaZon还支持MSn谱库,使其成为用MS/MS进行多化合物筛选的性能优秀的离子阱质谱。


  布鲁克.道尔顿公司的副总裁Arnd Ingendoh 博士说:“amaZon将在广泛的应用领域重新定义离子阱性能。无与伦比的灵敏度、采集速度和质量分辨率,加上易于使用、智能自动化操作以及一系列软件模块,可更快地提供高价值的信息。amaZon在许多小分子等应用领域提供了新的性能和确信度。而在蛋白质组学领域,amaZon成为一个非常强大的ESI-MS/MS系统,具有超高灵敏度、全自动的ETD/PTR,代表了一种和MALDI-TOF/TOF技术互补的全方位的蛋白质组学分析技术。”



  Bruker Redefines Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry with the Introduction of amaZon™, the Next-Generation Ultra-Sensitive Ion Trap


  Monday, May 11, 2009

  The Novel amaZon is the First Ion Trap with Dual Ion Funnel Technology for a 10x Sensitivity Boost, Second-Generation ETD for Proteomics, Mass Resolution up to 20,000, and Highest Acquisition Speed

  BILLERICA, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May. 11, 2009-- Bruker Daltonics today launches the next-generation ultra-sensitive, ion trap amaZon™ series. Delivering 10x improved MS/MS sensitivity over current platforms, novel technology for accelerated data acquisition, significantly enhanced mass resolution, and second-generation fast and sensitive ETD/PTR capabilities, this unique, highest performance ion trap delivers unrivalled data quality and extreme flexibility for a broad variety of applications.

  The amaZon builds upon Bruker’s long experience in ion trap technologies, and is designed to enhance capabilities in research areas such as bottom-up proteomics, high-throughput and ultra-sensitive PTM analysis, metabolomics, compound screening and identification, and detailed chemical and structural analysis. The amaZon series is offered in two versions: amaZon ETD for proteomics, and amaZon X for small molecule analysis and applied markets.

  The new amaZon incorporates key inventions for unprecedented ion trap capabilities:

  •First commercial introduction of a double ion funnel transfer in ion traps, delivering a new benchmark for sensitivity

  •Unrivalled scan speed of 52,000 u/sec at better than unit resolution for fastest UPLC applications and maximum duty cycle in data-dependent MS/MS and MSn

  •Ultimate ion trap mass resolving power up to 20,000 in full scan mode across the 50-3000 m/z range: in combination with Bruker’s patented peak recognition technology SNAP IITM, the amaZon provides isotopic peak resolution even for highly charged ion species in ETD/PTR fragment spectra for the confident determination of their monoisotopic masses.

  •The latest ETD/PTR technology offering the most efficient, extremely robust and sensitive peptide and protein fragmentation, as well as high-throughput PTM analysis. Building upon the very successful ETD technology commercialized first by Bruker, the combination of bottom-up CID or ETD and top-down ETD/PTR provides new methodologies for detailed protein characterization.

  •Zero Delay Alternating™ acquisition for high-speed ion polarity switching without sensitivity and time compromise. Up to 20 Hz MS data acquisition in both polarities is ideal in combination with fast UHPLC separations. Supported by spectral MSn libraries, the amaZon is the ultimate ion trap mass spectrometer for MS/MS based multi-compound screening.

  Bruker Daltonics Vice President Dr. Arnd Ingendoh commented: “The performance of the amaZon will completely redefine the use of ion traps across an increasing range of application areas. With new, unparalleled levels of sensitivity, acquisition speed and mass resolution combined with ease-of-use, smart automation and an array of software modules for faster high-value information generation, the amaZon offers a new level of performance and confidence in many small molecule and applied market segments. In proteomics, the amaZon is a very powerful ESI-MS/MS system with ultra-sensitive, fully automated ETD/PTR, and represents a perfect complement to MALDI-TOF/TOF technology for the broadest array of proteomic analysis capabilities.”

  The revolutionary new amaZon will be highlighted at Bruker's Annual Users Meeting on Sunday, May 31st, 2009 before the 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Philadelphia, PA. For more information on this event, please visit www.bdal.com/asms2009. For further product information please visit www.bdal.com/amaZon.

  ABOUT BRUKER DALTONICS: For more information about Bruker Daltonics and Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR), please visit www.bdal.com or www.bruker.com.
