






APAF选择TripleTOF 5600系统推进蛋白质组学研究


  全球生命科学分析技术的 领导者AB SCIEX公司,今天宣布,澳大利亚的蛋白质组分析中心(APAF)选择了AB SCIEX TripleTOF 5600系统,通过显著增加蛋白质组覆盖率来帮助推进蛋白质组学研究。TripleTOF 5600 系统是生命科学产业界最快、最灵敏的高分辨率质谱,用于高性能的定性和定量分析。APAF是全球首家采用这一突破性科学技术的实验室。TripleTOF 5600系统在本周澳大利亚悉尼举办的HUPO会议上展出。

  APAF是蛋白质组学服务的领先供应商和1995年“蛋白质组学”一词的诞生地,其核心蛋白质组学服务都集中在差异蛋白质表达谱分析,这推动了对于改善人类健康、农业和食品研究的生物标志物的搜索。 TripleTOF 5600系统将使APAF的科学家们,来表征那些在一个生物系统内变化的蛋白质,而且比其实验室现有系统表征得更深入更精确。

  TripleTOF 5600系统是新一代的质谱分析仪器,并且是唯一的一套将最高的灵敏度、高速度、高分辨率集于一身的系统。相比从前可获得的技术,科学家们可使用TripleTOF 5600更轻松地产生样品更高质量的信息,并提高生产力和工作效率。 TripleTOF 5600系统还提供了强大的新的工作流程进行全面勘探,快速分析和高分辨率的定量分析复杂的样品,不与任何其他的质谱仪可能的生命科学家。这些工作流程,为科学家提供了更大的灵活性,以一台仪器上做实验的多种类型的。

  Mark Molloy,麦格理大学澳大利亚蛋白质组分析实验室副教授、主任

  “TripleTOF 5600 系统将使我们能够获得一个覆盖在蛋白质组显着增加,才能够真正改善我们的地图在我们的比较分析差异表达的蛋白质的能力。我们可以获取大量数据,具有精度高,在更大的速度比目前的方法提供了机会,重新确定我们的工作流程,采取这种灵活性的优势。我们第一次有能力结合起来,在同一台仪器定量定性鉴别,这意味着我们可以我们的学术和商业客户提供高品质的成果。”

  Andy Boorn,AB SCIEX首席运营官

  “开拓突破性的技术在TripleTOF AB SCIEX 5600系统,是定义如何将进行质谱向前发展。该系统解决了未满足的需要更快,更准确的答案各种各样的挑战在分析科学。我们有信心将在澳大利亚蛋白质组分析设施以及全球其他实验室的力量方面取得了长足的进步。”


  SYDNEY -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- AB SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, today announced that the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF) has chosen the AB SCIEX TripleTOF? 5600 System to help advance proteomics research by significantly expanding proteome coverage. The TripleTOF? 5600 System is the life science industry’s fastest and most sensitive high-resolution mass spectrometer for high-performance qualitative and quantitative analysis. APAF is among the first laboratories in the world to adopt this groundbreaking scientific technology. The TripleTOF? 5600 System is on display at the HUPO conference this week in Sydney, Australia.

  APAF is a leading provider of proteomic services and was the birthplace of the term “proteomics” in 1995. Its core proteomic services are focused on differential protein expression analysis, which drives the search for biomarkers that can be used to improve human health, agriculture and food research. The TripleTOF? 5600 System will enable APAF scientists to characterize which proteins are changing within a biological system with much greater depth and accuracy than what they can currently achieve with the existing systems in their laboratory.

  The TripleTOF? 5600 System is a new generation of mass spectrometry instrumentation and it is the only system that combines the highest available sensitivity and speed with high resolution. Scientists can utilize it to generate better quality information from samples more easily than previously possible, increasing productivity and efficiency. The TripleTOF? 5600 System also provides life scientists with access to powerful new workflows for comprehensive exploration, rapid profiling and high-resolution quantitation of complex samples that are not possible with any other mass spectrometer. These workflows give scientists greater flexibility to do multiple types of experiments on one instrument.

  Mark Molloy, Associate Professor and Director, Australian Proteome Analysis Facility at Macquarie University

  “The TripleTOF? 5600 System will enable us to gain a significant increase in proteome coverage that will really improve our ability to map differentially expressed proteins in our comparative analyses. We can acquire mass data with high accuracy at greater speed than current approaches, providing the opportunity to redefine our workflows to take advantage of this flexibility. For the first time we have the capability to combine qualitative identification with quantitation in the same instrument, and this means we can provide high quality outcomes to our academic and commercial customers.”

  Andy Boorn, Chief Operating Officer, AB SCIEX

  “By pioneering the breakthrough technology in the TripleTOF? 5600 System, AB SCIEX is defining how mass spectrometry will be conducted going forward. This system addresses an unmet need for faster, more accurate answers to a variety of challenges within analytical science. We are confident it will power significant advancements at the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility as well as other laboratories globally.”
