






癌症研究院与AB SCIEX合作 用质谱成像技术研究癌症扩散


  癌症研究院(The Institute of Cancer Research,ICR)的一个重要研究领域,是研究癌症在人体内的扩散,从而来确定新颖有效的治疗方案。为了推进这项研究,ICR与全球生命科学分析技术的领导者AB SCIEX的科学家们合作,将先进的基于质谱的组织成像方法标准化。ICR的科研人员使用AB SCIEX的质谱技术增进对癌症扩散的了解,即所谓的癌症转移,90%的癌症患者均因癌症转移死亡。


  ICR与AB SCIEX的科学家合作,使用最先进的高分辨组织成像技术,研究肿瘤微环境如何促使癌细胞扩散,从而推进了这一研究项目。癌症研究者们正在使用质谱技术从事非目标物的发现、观察肿瘤的特定区域、研究这些区域中存在的蛋白以及是如何促进细胞转移过程的。


  研究中使用了AB SCIEX 的TOF/TOF 5800系统,它是一套MALDI-TOF/TOF(基质辅助激光解吸离子化飞行时间串联)质谱,MALDI-TOF/TOF的工作原理是,从复杂的生物组织样本中直接解吸出分子,并通过分子量鉴定单个蛋白的组成。AB SCIEX的系统是最快的,最灵敏的基于MALDI源的质谱,它能帮助科学家们在不到一天内就能完成通常其它同类质谱需要几周才能完成的工作。

  癌症研究院的项目负责人Janine Erler说,“在癌症研究院,我们的主要目标之一就是促进开发新的抗癌治疗方案。与AB SCIEX在基于质谱成像技术的合作,将帮助我们发现在癌细胞扩散过程中起重要作用的新的分子。”

  AB SCIEX副总裁兼药物和蛋白质组业务部总经理Dave Hicks说,“我们的任务是持续帮助癌症和其它疾病的研究人员,为他们提供发现新信息的强大质谱技术,从而帮助他们实现药物研发中重大突破和新发展。我们的技术涉及范围广,科学家可以选择他们认为是最合适的研究手段。同癌症研究院Erler博士的团队合作,我们能够满足他们对于先进成像技术的要求,该技术可以使他们重要的研究获得成功。”


  AB SCIEX是生命科学分析技术开发领域的全球领先企业,帮助科学家应对复杂的科学挑战。公司提供科学仪器、软件和服务,用于发现新药、促进医学科学发展、保护食品供应链和环境。AB SCIEX的技术解决方案结合了最高的性能和最高的稳定性,确保我们的用户进行科学发现、可靠地传递结果和提高生命质量。AB SCIEX拥有近超过20年的创新历史,在市场中一直出于领先地位,其前身为美国应用生物系统公司(Applied Biosystems)和美迪希(MDS)实验仪器公司的合资企业。更多资料请访问官网:www.absciex.com。


  · ICR 是欧洲领先的癌症研究中心

  · 高等教育基金委员会的研究评估结果表明,在英国科研中心中ICR名列前茅

  · ICR与伙伴单位皇家马斯登NHS基金信托机构保持着紧密的合作关系,共同保证患者能够尽快从新的研究中获益。这两个组织均为欧洲大型癌症研究中心。

  · ICR具有慈善机构的性质并依靠捐款,总收入的每1英镑中有90便士用于研究

  · 作为伦敦市的一所大学,ICR同时也提供国际承认的硕士研究生高等教育学历

  · ICR拥有超过100年的历史,其的成就包括鉴别吸烟和肺癌之间的潜在联系(这一成果收到了认可),发现导致癌症的基本原因是DNA被破坏,并且,与世界上去其它组织相比,隔离了更多与癌症有关的基因。



The Institute of Cancer Research and AB SCIEX Target the Spread of Disease Revealed through Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Collaboration to improve and standardize methods for studying cancer metastasis with MALDI-TOF/TOF technology

  Foster City, California- February 15, 2011

  A key research area for The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) is investigating the spread of cancer in the human body in an effort to identify new and effective treatment strategies.To help advance this research, the ICR is collaborating with scientists at AB SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, to standardize advanced methods of mass spectrometry-based tissue imaging. ICR researchers are using AB SCIEX mass spectrometry technology to better understand this spread of disease, known as metastasis, which is responsible for approximately 90 percent of cancer patient deaths.

  The biomedical research community continues to face the complex challenge of developing strategies to address the progression of cancer. One of the ways in which the ICR is contributing to efforts to address this challenge is by studying communication between cells associated with the spread of cancer, revealing molecules involved in metastasis that can be targeted with new drugs.

  The ICR's collaboration with scientists at AB SCIEX enhances this research project by applying the latest advancements in high-resolution, tissue imaging technology to investigate how aspects of the tumor micro-environment drive the spread of cancer. The cancer researchers are using mass spectrometry to conduct non-targeted discovery, looking at specific regions of the tumor, investigating proteins that are present in these regions and how they enhance metastatic progression.

  The technology being used is the AB SCIEX TOF/TOF 5800 System, a MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight technology) system, which works by desorbing molecules directly from complex biological tissue samples and identifying the individual protein components by their molecular weight. This AB SCIEX system is the fastest, most sensitive MALDI-based mass spectrometer, enabling scientists to achieve in less than a day what takes more than weeks on other MALDI-based systems.

  Janine Erler, Team Leader, The Institute of Cancer Research

  "One of our major goals at The Institute of Cancer Research is to contribute to the development of new anti-cancer treatments. This collaboration with AB SCIEX on mass spectrometry-based imaging will help us discover new molecules that are critical to cancer spread."

  Dave Hicks, Vice President and General Manager of the Pharmaceutical and Proteomics Business, AB SCIEX

  "We are committed to continue helping researchers of cancer and other diseases apply the power of mass spectrometry to uncover new information that could lead to major breakthroughs and new developments in drugs. Our broad range of technologies allows scientists to choose what is most appropriate for their research. With Dr Erler's team at The Institute of Cancer Research, we were able to meet their need for advanced imaging technology that is contributing to the success of their important research."

  About AB SCIEX

  AB SCIEX is a global leader in the development of life science analytical technologies that help answer complex scientific challenges. The company provides scientific instrumentation, software and services used to discover new drugs, advance medical science and protect the food supply and the environment. AB SCIEX technology solutions combine the highest performance with the highest reliability to enable our customers to fuel scientific discovery, deliver results with confidence and improve the quality of life. The company has a more than 20-year history of innovation and market leadership as the former Applied Biosystems/MDS Analytical Technologies joint venture. For more information about AB SCIEX, go to www.absciex.com.

  The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)

  · The ICR is Europe's leading cancer research centre

  · The ICR has been ranked the UK's top academic research centre, based on the results of the Higher Education Funding Council's Research Assessment Exercise

  · The ICR works closely with partner The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust to ensure patients immediately benefit from new research. Together the two organisations form the largest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe

  · The ICR has charitable status and relies on voluntary income, spending 90 pence in every pound of total income directly on research

  · As a college of the University of London, the ICR also provides postgraduate higher education of international distinction

  · Over its 100-year history, the ICR's achievements include identifying the potential link between smoking and lung cancer which was subsequently confirmed, discovering that DNA damage is the basic cause of cancer and isolating more cancer-related genes than any other organisation in the world

  For more information visit www.icr.ac.uk

