
BCEIA 2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛——报名通道开启

近年来,随着人类生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,生命科学呈现高速发展的态势,体外诊断作为生命科学及临床医学领域发展最快的细分领域之一,市场规模不断扩大。 分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛特邀国内外相关交叉领域的知名专家,对分析检测仪器和技术在体外诊断领域的应用及发展趋势进行专业及深入的讨论。 [更多]

BCEIA2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛——English Introduction

The “International Summit on Analytical Instrumentation and InVitro Diagnosis” specially invites renowned interdisciplinary experts to participate in debates on the development and application of analytical instruments and technology in the field of InVitro diagnosis, and the perspective of human health. The Summit will be one of the highlight events of BCEIA 2019.[更多]


BCEIA·2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛特邀詹启敏、谢晓亮、Emmanuelle Claude、虞留明、曾映等多位大咖做主旨报告,精彩不容错过![更多]

会议动态/Featured News


BCEIA2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛隆重举行,聚焦分析检测技术在体外诊断领域的应用及发展趋势进行专业及深入的探讨。500余位来自科研院所、高校、医院、企业的老师、专家、学者们参加此次论坛。 [更多]


北京大学刘虎威教授畅谈BCEIA2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛,带我们提前预览本届高峰论坛的看点、亮点! [全文]


近日,分析测试百科网采访了“分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛”的组织者之一,中国人民解放军总医院生化科主任、中国分析测试协会标记免疫分析专业委员会主任委员颜光涛,他将与我们分享,分析检测体外诊断的前沿技术和行业发展趋势,并提前带我们领略本届高峰论坛的亮点、特色。 [全文]

日程安排/Meeting Agenda

BCEIA 2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛——日程安排

会议时间: 2019年10月23日上午 9:30-12:45 会议地点: 北京北辰洲际酒店 嘉宾主持人: 刘虎威 中国分析测试协会副秘书长 北京大学化学与分子工程学院教授 [更多]

International Summit on Analytical Instrumentation and In Vitro Diagnosis Meeting Agenda

Date:2019.10.23 09:30-12:45 Location:InterContinental Beijing Beichen.China Guest Moderator:Huwei Liu, DeputySecretaryGeneral-CAIA [更多]

嘉宾主持人/Guest Moderator


刘虎威,博士。北京大学化学与分子工程学院教授,现任中国化学会和美国化学会会员,兼任中国质谱学会副理事长、中国化学会色谱专业委员会副主任、中国分析测试协会副秘书长。Journal of Separation Science 和 Journal of Analysis and Testing副主编,色谱责任副主编。 [更多]

Guest Moderator: Huwei Liu

Dr. Huwei Liu graduated with a BA degree in 1982, and Ph·D· in 1990 from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China, then he joined Peking University, became a full professor in 2001. His research work focuses on bioseparation and detection, including fundamentals and applications of chromatographic, electrophoretic separation techniques and mass spectrometry [更多]


颜光涛,研究员、教授、博导。现任解放军总医院第一医学中心医学检验中心副主任,中国分析测试协会标记免疫分析专业委员会主任委员。已从事生化教学及科研工作30余年,研究方向为标记免疫分析技术、创伤后多器官衰竭的发病机理及神经系统损伤保护。 [更多]

Guest Moderator: Guangtao Yan

Guangtao Yan, Researcher, professor and doctoral supervisor. He is currently the deputy director of Center for Clinical Laboratory Medicine of the First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital. Has been engaged in biochemistry teaching and research for more than 30 years [更多]

特邀主旨报告人/Keynote Speaker


詹启敏,北京大学常务副校长、医学部主任。中国工程院院士,教授,博士生导师。教育部长江学者,国家杰出青年基金获得者,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,国家自然科学基金委创新群体首席专家,国家973重大基础研究项目首席科学家。 [全文]

Keynote Speaker:QIMin Zhan

Qimin Zhan, MD, is currently an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Executive Vice President of Peking University, President of Peking University Health Science Center, President of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, and the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology. [全文]


谢晓亮,生物物理化学家,美国国家科学院院士、美国国家医学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士、中国科学院外籍院士。他是单分子酶学的创始人、单分子生物物理化学的奠基人之一、相干拉曼散射显微成像技术和单细胞基因组学的开拓者。 [全文]

Keynote Speaker: Xiaoliang Xie

Professor Xie is an internationally renowned biophysical chemist, and the Lee Shao-kee professor of Peking University. After a career at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, he became the first tenured professor at Harvard University among Chinese scholars who went to the US since the Reform in China. [全文]


曾映,深圳普门科技股份有限公司常务副总裁,全面负责深圳普门科技股份有限公司研发工作。普门公司治疗产品事业部开发的创面治疗解决方案获得了国家科学技术进步一等奖。他曾经在通用电气中国有限公司医疗系统和深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司工作近二十年。 [全文]

Keynote Speaker: Ying Zeng

Mr. Zeng is in charge of research and develop department of Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Zeng has also worked in GE Healthcare,China and Shenzhen Mindray Biomedical Electronics Co., Ltd for nearly 20 years. [全文]

特邀主旨报告人:Emmanuelle Claude

Emmanuelle Claude女士(精细化学和商业硕士,有机化学和生物光谱学分析硕士), 2000年10月开始在Waters 公司担任蛋白质组学和基因组学的应用工程师,使用MALDI-TOF质谱仪开发自动化多肽指纹图谱(PMF)的方法。 [全文]

Keynote Speaker: Emmanuelle Claude

Miss Emmanuelle Claude (Master in Fine Chemistry and Business and P.Phil in spectroscopy analysis in organic chemistry and biology) has started at Waters Corporation in October 2000 as an Application Chemist in the Proteomics and Genomics Marketing group, developing automated Peptide Mass Fingerprint (PMF) MS methods using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. [全文]


虞留明先生是苏州博源医疗科技有限公司的董事长兼CEO,他在研发均相酶免疫法(HEIA)小分子检测领域享有声望。在创立博源医疗之前,虞先生曾担任美国奎斯特诊断公司的研发总监,奎斯特诊断是全球最大的第三方检测中心。 [全文]

Keynote Speaker: Liuming Yu

Mr. Yu, Chairman & CEO of Suzhou Evermed Biomedical Co.Ltd , is a well-known expert in development of liquid reagents for measurement of small molecules using Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay (HEIA) methodology. Prior to his tenure at Evermed he held a prestigious position as the R&D Director at Quest Diagnostic, the largest reference laboratory in the world. [全文]
