ISO 5155:1995
家用制冷设备 冷冻食品储藏柜和食品冷冻器 特性和试验方法

Household refrigerating appliances - Frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers - Characteristics and test methods

ISO 5155:1995
ISO 5155:1995
This International Standard specifies the essential characteristics . for household frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers which are wholly factory assembled, and lays down the methods of test for the checking of these characteristics. It does not apply to low-temperature compartments ("one-", “two-” and “three-star” compartments) which are covered in ISO 7371, or freezer compart- ments incorporated in refrigerators, which are cov- ered in ISO 8187. It does not include refrigerating performance charac- teristics and tests, or particular definitions for ap- pliances cooled by internal forced air circulation, which are the subject of ISO 8561. The tests described in this International Standard are type tests. When it is necessary to verify the per- formance of a freezer of a given type in relation to this International Standard, all the tests described should in principle be applied to one and the same unit. These tests can also be made individually for the study of a particular characteristic. Where no test method is specified, the particular re- quirement concerned is to be considered as a rec- ommendation. The electrical and mechanical safety requirements applicable to household frozen food Storage cabinets and food freezers are specified in IEC 335-2-24, 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 817:1974) Additional safety requirements applicable to mechan- ical refrigerating systems of household frozen food Storage cabinets and food freezers are given in The safety requirements applicable to gaseous and liquid fuel heating equipment of absorption-type household refrigerating systems will form the subject of a future International Standard.

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ISO 5155:1995 中可能用到的仪器设备

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