BS EN 50131-3:2009

Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems. Control and indicating equipment

BS EN 50131-3:2009
BS EN 50131-3:2009
EN 50130-4:1995 EN 50130-5:1998 EN 50131-1-2006/A1:2009 EN 50131-1:2006 EN 50131-5-3:2005 EN 50131-6:2008 EN 60068-1:1994 EN 60068-2-75:1997 EN 60529 EN 62262
08/30177443 DC-2008 BS DD CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
This standard specifies the requirements, performance criteria and testing procedures for control and indicating equipment (CIE) intended for use in intrusion and hold-up alarm systems (I&HAS) installed in buildings. This document also applies to CIE to be used in IAS or HAS. The CIE may incorporate processing functions of other I&HAS components or its processing requirements may be distributed among such components. This standard specifies the requirements for CIE installed in buildings using specific or non-specific wired interconnections or wire-free interconnections. These requirements also apply to ACE that are installed inside or outside of the supervised premises and mounted in indoor or outdoor environments. Where CIE shares means of detection, interconnection, control, communication, processing and/or power supplies with other applications, these requirements apply to I&HAS functions only. This standard specifies performance requirements for CIE at each of the four security grades identified in the European Standard EN 50131-1, “Alarm Systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – System requirements”. Requirements are also specified for four environmental classes covering applications for indoor and outdoor locations. This standard includes mandatory functions, which shall be provided on all CIE for the appropriate security grade, as well as optional functions that may additionally be provided. This standard does not deal with requirements for compliance with EU regulatory Directives, such as the EMC Directive, Low Voltage Directive, etc. except in that it specifies the equipment operating conditions for EMC susceptibility testing as required by EN 50130-4. NOTE In this standard reference to the term “I&HAS” is used throughout, except where there is specific need to differentiate between the IAS and HAS portions of a system. The term is intended to include IAS and HAS when such systems are installed separately.

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