ASTM E2156-04(2013)
与独院附联式和独建式住宅性能标准指南相一致的比较设计, 系统和材料的经济效能评价的标准指南

Standard Guide for Evaluating Economic Performance of Alternative Designs, Systems, and Materials in Compliance with Performance Standard Guides for Single-Family Attached and Detached Dwellings

ASTM E2156-04(2013)
ASTM E2156-04(2013)
ASTM E1369 ASTM E1557 ASTM E1765 ASTM E2151 ASTM E631 ASTM E833 ASTM E917

4.1 Why This Guide Is Needed—The lack of information on economic consequences discourages the introduction of new technologies permitted under performance standards. The economic information needs are further complicated because decisions to adopt or accept a new technology are made by different types of stakeholders (for example, building materials manufacturers, home builders, and home owners). Thus, the type of economic information treated in this guide and the associated standard classifications, practices, adjuncts, and computer programs covers the information needs of the entire group of key stakeholders.

4.2 Use of This Guide by Specificers and Providers—To make efficient choices, decision makers require factual information on both how a particular alternative addresses the relevant performance statements and how much it costs. The O-C-E-C framework enables the specifier to develop the performance statements that satisfy one or more user needs and incorporate them into a request for proposals. Providers respond to the request for proposals by offering designs, materials, products, components, subsystems, or systems for acceptance. Because cost is one aspect of each provider's response, the specifier has an opportunity to request information from the provider that may be used in evaluating economic performance. This guide is intended as a resource from which the specifier compiles lists of information to be collected as part of each provider's response to the request for proposals. It is also intended for use by providers in preparing their response to the specifier. The generic types of information that the specifier may request from the provider in their response to the request for proposals are described in Appendix X1 for benefits and Appendix X2 for costs. A detailed example based on the durability attribute is given in Appendix X3.

4.3 Use of Economic Tools for Evaluating New Technologies—Having a package of economic tools (methods and software) that helps decision makers identify and evaluate benefits and costs when choosing between traditional alternatives and new-technology products, systems, materials, and designs will accelerate the introduction and acceptance of new technologies which are cost effective.

4.4 Use of ASTM Standards on Building Economics—Standard practices for using life-cycle costing (LCC), E917, and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), E1765, to measure the economic and overall performance of investments in buildings and building systems have been published by ASTM. Two computer programs3,4 that produce economic measures consistent with these practices are available. The Building Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Database Program and the Discount Factor Tables have been published (Adjuncts to

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