ISO 19973-4:2014
气压液动. 通过试验评估部件的可靠性. 第4部分: 压力调节器

Pneumatic fluid power - Assessment of component reliability by testing - Part 4: Pressure regulators

ISO 19973-4:2014
GB/T 38206.4-2021 (等同采用的中文版本)
ISO 19973-4:2014
IEC 60050-191:1990 ISO 1219-1:2012 ISO 19973-1:2014 ISO 5598:2008 ISO 6953-1:2000 ISO 6953-2:2000 ISO 6953-3:2012 ISO 80000-1:2009 ISO 8778:2003
This part of ISO 19973 provides test procedures for assessing the reliability of pneumatic pressure regulators by testing and the methods of reporting the results of testing. General test conditions and the calculation method are provided in ISO 19973-1. The methods specified in ISO 19973-1 apply to the first failure, as obtained with the three-points moving average (3PMA) method, without repairs, but excluding outliers. The lifetime of pneumatic pressure regulators is usually given as a number of cycles. Therefore, whenever the term “time” is used in this part of ISO 19973, this variable shall be understood as either cycles or time. This part of ISO 19973 applies to manually adjustable and remote-piloted pressure regulators, both relieving and non-relieving. This part of ISO 19973 does not apply to pressure regulators that have a permanent bleed. This part of ISO 19973 also specifies test equipment and failure criteria (threshold levels) for tests to assess the reliability of pneumatic pressure regulators. The life determined by the method in this part of ISO 19973 and in ISO 19973-1 will be more closely related to applications that have a large variation in flow rate. NOTE See Annex A for a flow chart illustrating the test procedure specified in this part of ISO 19973.

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