ASTM E2231-14

Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Pipe and Duct Insulation Materials to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics



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ASTM E2231-14
ASTM E2231-15
ASTM E2231-21

5.1 Pipe and duct insulation systems are often evaluated with Test Method E84 to comply with building or mechanical code requirements. This practice describes, in detail, specimen preparation and mounting procedures for single-component pipe or duct insulation systems and for multi-component pipe or duct insulation systems.

5.2 The material, system, composite, or assembly tested shall be representative of the completed insulation system used in actual field installations, in terms of the components, including their respective thicknesses.

5.3 Pipe and duct insulation systems consist of a variety of materials and constructions.

5.4 Some testing laboratories have developed a number of protocols for testing pipe or duct insulation systems which utilize one generic type of materials, all of them with an insulation core and a jacket. Those protocols are the origin of this practice, which makes them generic, to reduce material bias in the standard; they have resulted in the procedures presented in 6.1. The procedures presented in 6.2 – 6.5 address other types of pipe or duct insulation systems.

5.5 This practice addresses specimen preparation and mounting of systems of the types described in 5.5.1 – 5.5.3 and testing of supplementary materials as described in 5.6.

5.5.1 Multi-component systems containing an insulation core and a jacket, with or without adhesive between insulation core and jacket, not intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.1 if they are self-supporting and in 6.2 if they are not self-supporting.

5.5.2 Single component systems, not intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.3 if they are self-supporting and in 6.4 if they are not self-supporting.

5.5.3 Systems intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.5.

5.5.4 Reflective insulation materials (see 3.2.10 and 3.2.11) shall be tested using the procedures for specimen preparation and mounting described in Practice E2599.

5.5.5 Specimen preparation and mounting procedures for systems not described in this practice shall be added as the information becomes available.

5.6 Supplementary Materials:

5.6.1 It is recognized that supplementary materials for pipe or duct insulation systems are normally able to generate heat, flame or smoke. Thus, the fire safety of the entire system depends, at least to some extent, on the fire performa......

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