ASTM D5093-2015

Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Infiltration Rate Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer with Sealed-Inner Ring



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ASTM D5093-2015

5.1x00a0;This test method provides a means to measure low infiltration rates associated with fine-grained, clayey soils, and are in the range of 18201;x00d7;8201;10x2212;5 cm/s to 18201;x00d7;8201;10x2212;8 cm/s.

5.2x00a0;This test method is particularly useful for measuring liquid flow through soil moisture barriers such as compacted clay liner or covers used at waste disposal facilities, for canal and reservoir liners, for seepage blankets, and for amended soil liners such as those used for retention ponds or storage tanks.

5.3x00a0;The purpose of the sealed inner ring is to: (1) provide a means to measure the actual amount of flow rather than a drop in water elevation which is the flow measurement procedure used in Test Method D3385 and (2) to eliminate evaporation losses.

5.4x00a0;The purpose of the outer ring is to promote one-dimensional, vertical flow beneath the inner ring. The use of large diameter rings and large depths of embedments helps to ensure that flow is essentially one-dimensional.

5.5x00a0;This test method provides a means to measure infiltration rate over a relatively large area of soil. Tests on large volumes of soil can be more representative than tests on small volumes of soil.

5.6x00a0;The data obtained from this test method are most useful when the soil layer being tested has a uniform distribution of pore space, and when the density and degree of saturation and the hydraulic conductivity of the material underlying the soil layer are known.

5.7x00a0;Changes in water temperature can introduce significant error in the volume change measurements. Temperature changes will cause water to flow in or out of the inner ring due to expansion or contraction of the inner ring and the water contained within the inner ring.

5.8x00a0;The problem of temperature changes can be minimized by insulating the rings, by allowing enough flow to occur so that the amount of flow resulting from a temperature change is not significant compared to that due to infiltration, or by connecting and disconnecting the bag from the inner ring when the water in the inner ring is at the same temperature.

5.9x00a0;If the soil being tested will later be subjected to increased overburden stress, then the infiltration rate can be expected to decrease as the overburden stress increases. Laboratory hydraulic conductivity tests are recommended for studies of the influence of level of stress on the hydraulic properties of the soil.

Note 1:x00a0;The quality of the result produced by this standard depends on the competence of the personnel performing it and the suitability of the equipment and facilities being used. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice

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