ASTM D256-10e1

Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics

ASTM D256-10e1
ASTM D256-10(2018)
ASTM D256-23e1
ASTM D3641 ASTM D4066 ASTM D5947 ASTM D6110 ASTM D618 ASTM D883 ASTM E691

5.1 Before proceeding with these test methods, reference should be made to the specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, and testing parameters covered in the materials specification shall take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods. If there is no material specification, then the default conditions apply.

5.2 The pendulum impact test indicates the energy to break standard test specimens of specified size under stipulated parameters of specimen mounting, notching, and pendulum velocity-at-impact.

5.3 The energy lost by the pendulum during the breakage of the specimen is the sum of the following:

5.3.1 Energy to initiate fracture of the specimen;

5.3.2 Energy to propagate the fracture across the specimen;

5.3.3 Energy to throw the free end (or ends) of the broken specimen (“toss correction”);

5.3.4 Energy to bend the specimen;

5.3.5 Energy to produce vibration in the pendulum arm;

5.3.6 Energy to produce vibration or horizontal movement of the machine frame or base;

5.3.7 Energy to overcome friction in the pendulum bearing and in the indicating mechanism, and to overcome windage (pendulum air drag);

5.3.8 Energy to indent or deform plastically the specimen at the line of impact; and

5.3.9 Energy to overcome the friction caused by the rubbing of the striker (or other part of the pendulum) over the face of the bent specimen.

5.4 For relatively brittle materials, for which fracture propagation energy is small in comparison with the fracture initiation energy, the indicated impact energy absorbed is, for all practical purposes, the sum of factors 5.3.1 and 5.3.3. The toss correction (see 5.3.3) may represent a very large fraction of the total energy absorbed when testing relatively dense and brittle materials. Test Method C shall be used for materials that have an Izod impact resistance of less than 27 J/m (0.5 ft·lbf/in.). (See Appendix X4 for optional units.) The toss correction obtained in Test Method C is only an approximation of the toss error, since the rotational and rectilinear velocities may not be the same during the re-toss of the specimen as for the original toss, and because stored stresses in the specimen may have been released as kinetic energy during the specimen fracture.

5.5 For tough, ductile, fiber filled, or cloth-laminated materials, the fr......


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